Neofriseria singula (Staud.) p88. New to VC18. VC18. 57 South Stifford, 8 July 1984 (DJLA). Gelechia scotinella H.-S. p88. New to VC19. VC19.03 Dedham, two reared from Salix 22 June 1975 (PCF, teste Agassiz, 1984), previously recorded as G. cuneatella Dougl. (p88, q.v.). G. scotinella has a specialised life history, feeding in spun flowers of Prunus spinosa ; it seems likely, therefore, that there is a mistake either in the determination or the data. Gelechia sororculella (Hb.) p88. First record from VC18 since 1918. VC18. 67 Grays (DJLA). Platyedra subcinerea (Haw.) p89. First records since 1886. VC18. 48 East Ham (CWP); 67 Grays, 1982-84 (DJLA). Caryocolum vicinella (Dougl.) p90. First record since before 1903 and second from Essex. VC19. 11 Colne Point, three reared 1984 (DJLA). The locality is the same as that of the record made by Harwood (1903). Caryocolum proximum (Haw.) p91. First records since 1916. VC18. 67 Grays, two on 14 Aug. 1981 and one on 16 Aug. 1983 (DJLA). Syncopacma larseniella Gozm. Map. New to Essex. Resident, 1968-1984. Lotus. .Widespread and locally common. This species was formerly confused with S. cinctella (Clerck), from which it can be distinguished only by examination of the genitalia (Heckford, 1982). Sample dissections have shown that S. larseniella is the more common species in Essex, although S. cinctella also occurs; it is possible that the species are mixed in some series. VC18. 67 Grays Chalk Quarry; 99 Canewdon, reared 1980. VC19. 53 *Rowney Wood, many reared 1968; 54 Little Hales Wood; 63, 64 Little and Great Bendysh Woods (AME); 01 Fingringhoe Wick NR (ECP-C; AME); 13 Copperas Wood, reared 1983 (JRL). Syncopacma cinctella (Cl.) p92. All recent records given in SME refer to S. larseniella (see above). Literature records ascribed to this species must be regarded as unconfirmed . There is one confirmed record. VC18. 67 Grays 1983, confirmed by dissection (Agassiz, 1984). Acompsia cinerella (Cl.) p92. One previous recent record VC19. 53 Saffron Walden, one 17 Aug. 1984; 61 Good Easter, one 29 July 1984 (AME). Telephila schmidtiellus (Heyd.) p93. New to VC18. VC18. 67 Grays Chalk Quarry, 1984 (DJLA). Brachmia inornatella (Dougl.) p93. First records since 1897. VC18. 68 Mucking, one 5 July 1982, fairly common 8 July 1984 (DJLA). Oegoconia quadripuncta (Haw.) p93. Since the publication of SME, Agassiz (1982) has shown that two species have been comprised under this name, the second being O. caradjai below. Samples of all available Essex series of O. quadripuncta were dissected and found to be the new species. However, since then a specimen from VC19: 81 Wickham Bishops, 1983 (RES) has been found on dissection to be O. quadripuncta. 124