William Morris, the Walthamstow born artist, poet and crafts- man, and lover of the forest, has described how as a boy he remembered his : 'first acquaintance with a room hung with faded greenery at Queen Elizabeth's Lodge by Chingford Hatch in Epping Forest . . . and the impression of romance it made upon me.' The impression is hardly less today for the well chosen situation of this sturdy survival of a romantic age commands an exciting panorama of the forest horizons from Pole Hill to High Beach, down to Fairmead and beyond to Woodford. To the casual passer-by it is an enhancement to the forest scene. But the full reward is obtained only by those who explore the interior and scan the forest vistas from these historic platforms. It is to be hoped that these notes will increase the enjoyment of those who visit the lodge and perhaps encourage them to explore still further the historic associations of Chingford and the forest. There is no better place to start than from the lodge on Dannett's Hill. 11