Contents Introduction 4 Ch. 1: The Survey with a table of the flight periods and a check-list of the Essex Species 5 Ch. 2: The Natural History of Dragonflies The structure of Dragonflies 11 The Classification of Dragonflies 13 The British Dragonflies 14 Dragonfly Behaviour 15 The Dragonfly Life-cycle 16 The Ecology of Dragonflies 18 Observing and Studying Dragonflies 20 Ch. 3: Dragonflies and their Habitats in Essex A. Where to look for Dragonflies 1. Still-water Habitats 22 2. Moving-water Habitats 29 B. Some Important Essex Dragonfly Sites 1. Complex Sites 34 2. Ornamental Lakes and Ponds 39 3. Flooded Mineral-extraction Sites 43 4. Coastal Dykes and Marshes 45 Ch. 4: The Essex Species Including an account of those species recorded in Essex since 1903 and distribution maps prepared on a 'tetrad' (2km square) basis for species recorded on the survey 1980-87 Calopteryx virgo Beautiful Demoiselle 46 Calopteryx splendens Banded Demoiselle 47 Lestes sponsa Emerald Damselfly 49 Lestes dryas Scarce Emerald Damselfly 51 Platycnemis pennipes White-legged Damselfly 54 Pyrrhosoma nymphula Large Red Damselfly 56 Ischnura elegans Blue-tailed Damselfly 57 Coenagrion scitulum Dainty Damselfly 58 Coenagrion puella Azure Damselfly 60 Coenagrion pulchellum Variable Damselfly 62 Enallagma cyathigerum Common Blue Damselfly 63 Erythromma najas Red-eyed Damselfly 65