species. In view of the 1987 sighting, it is just possible that a breeding colony persists, or has become re-established here. A close watch should now be kept on these sites. (iv) The paucity of the dragonfly fauna of the north-west of the county should be further investigated, preferably by observers living in that area, and capable of making frequent observations at selected sites. Reports from sites in 10 km. squares TL44, 54, 64, 74, 43, 53, 63. 42 and 52 would be particularly welcome. (v) It seems likely that some important sites remain under-recorded, despite the efforts of numerous observers over the last seven years or so. An important priority over the coming few seasons should be to survey the breeding populations of dragonflies on Essex nature reserves and country parks. This information will be of value in deciding management priorities in these areas, and should also indicate whether special purchases of further sites by conservation organisations need to be made if all the county's dragonfly species are to have a secure future. Any records, but especially ones relating to these listed objectives, should be sent either to myself, at 13 Priory Street. Colchester, CO1 2PY or to one of the Essex Biological Records Centres. Anyone wishing to record dragonflies on a regular basis is encouraged to join the B.D.S. and/or to contribute to the Odonata Recording Scheme organised by the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. 92