The extremely valuable annual lists provided by the Campion brothers include twenty species (not counting O. coerulescens). Even taking into account the probable errors in Doubleday's (1871) list, the Campions lists suggest a marked decline in the Forest Odonata prior to the turn of the present century. With one exception (Sympetrum danae) the species associated with acid bog had disappeared and several moving-water species mentioned by Doubleday either do not appear on the Campions' lists (Platycnemis pennipes, Coenagrion pulchellum and Calopteryx virgo) or do so very irregularly (Calopteryx splendens). This indicates that quite marked habitat changes had been occurring in the Forest over the previous half-century. Three species (B. pratense, C. aenea and S. danae) were not seen by them until 1906. and were noted somewhat intermittently thereafter. This Table B.2 Dragonflies recorded by F. W. & H. Campion in lipping Fores! 1902-1909. Brackets refer to records outside the Forest boundary.