APPENDIX C KEY TO THE IDENTIFICATION OF ESSEX DRAGONFLIES The Order Odonata includes both damselflies (Zygoptera) and dragonflies (Anisoptera). All adult dragonflies and damselflies have long abdomens, two pairs of large, scale-less and membranous wings, with many cross-veins, two large compound eyes on the head, and very short, inconspicuous antennae. They are unlikely to be confused with insects of any other order represented in Britain. The following key is intended to help beginners with the identification of any adult dragonfly or damselfly which might reasonably be expected to occur in Essex. Several British species which are extremely unlikely to be met with in Essex are excluded, so that if the reader's interest takes her or him beyond the county boundaries, purchase of one or other of the available field guides is strongly recommended. As far as possible, technical terms have been avoided, but if confusion arises, the reader may refer to the anatomical figures 2:1 and 2:2. I have included in the key all species which have been recorded in Essex since 1980. In addition, I have included species such as Coenagrion scitulum which were formerly resident species but appear no longer to be so. It is very unlikely, but still just possible that they may be encountered in the future. I have also included all three of the rare migrant Sympetrum species, even though one of these. S. fonscolombii, has never been recorded in the county. The rationale for this is that, being migratory species, all three might well turn up almost anywhere, and it is as well for readers to be aware of their existence. On the other hand. I have excluded several species, such as Ceriagrion tenellum. Orthetrum coerulescens, and Libellula fulva which have been recorded in Essex many years ago. but not since. Because of the general pattern of distribution of these species in Britain, and the lack of sufficient suitable habitat in Essex, their reappearance seems to be an extremely remote possibility. One complication in constructing a key to the Odonata is that the males and females of several species are very different in appearance. In most cases. I have arranged the key in such a way that males and females of these species key out separately. However, since the females are usually more cryptically coloured, the males are often more noticeable in the field, and are distinctively coloured. This is true of the Sympetrum species of dragonflies, and especially so of the large group of blue-and-black damselflies. For this latter group in particular, beginners are strongly advised to test out the key using the males only. Matters are further complicated by the existence of several common colour-variations in some species, and by the fact that colour in most species varies considerably with age. This may mean that the key simply will not work with some specimens and a more advanced text, giving more anatomical details and using venation will have to be consulted. So far the key is largely untried, and I would be most interested to hear of any problems which arise in its use. 113