A. DAMSELFLIES (ZYGOPTERA) 1 Large damselflies (hind wing 27 mm or more) with metallic green or blue bodies and tinted wings — Smaller damselflies (hind wing 25 mm or less) with variously patterned and coloured bodies. Wings clear. 2 Dark blue/purple blotch on each wing (leaving inner half, and outer tip more lightly tinted). — Wings more-or-less evenly tinted over whole surface (densely or lightly so). 3 Wings almost wholly tinted with dense smoky brown or purplish colouration (rare in Essex). — Wings lightly and evenly tinted 4 Wing-tint usually clear green (not a reliable character). Small white marks near tips of fore-wings twice as large as those on the hind wings. — Wing-tint usually reddish or brownish (not a reliable character). Small white marks near tips of fore-wings merely larger than those on hind wings. (Rare in Essex) 5 Body mainly green, without black markings (may have some pale blue abdominal segments). — Not as above. Body variously coloured, but if green, then not metallic, and with black markings. 6 Eyes, and all or part of segments 2.9. and 10 pale blue. Large curved appendages at tip of abdomen visible when viewed dorsally (immature specimens may lack blue colouring). 116