— No blue segments. Without large abdominal appendages. Larger, more robust species. Blue on segment 2 of abdomen covers anterior two thirds of the segment only. Inferior (i.e. inner, when viewed dorsally) appendages at tip of abdomen incurved. (Only last-mentioned character fully reliable.) — Smaller, more delicate species. Blue on segment 2 of abdomen covers all of dorsal surface of the segment (fully mature specimens only). Inferior (i.e. inner, when viewed dorsally) appendages at tip of abdomen straight. (Only last- mentioned character fully reliable.) 8 Large species (hind wing length more than 27 mm; average overall length 45mm). Wings broad, and without 'stalk". Small white mark towards tip of each wing. Wing venation very densely " crowded. Wings evenly tinted green or purple-brown (may be very pale). — Smaller species (hind wing length less than 25 mm; overall length 38 mm (or - less)). Wings narrower, and with 'stalk'. Dark pterostigma towards tip of wings. Wing venation not densely crowded. Wings not tinted. 9 Relatively large, robust species. Dark green markings on segment 1 of the abdomen +/- rectangular. Vulvar scale broad, and extending beyond tip of the abdomen (view from the side). 117