— Without ventral spine on segment 8 ...................................... 24 24 Abdomen blue with black arrow-shaped markings as in blue form of E. cyathigerum female (check site for more distinctive males). (Believed extinct in Britain) Coenagrion scitulum female (Dainty Damselfly) — Green or blue with black markings which are not shaped as above. ...................................... 25 25 Posterior margin of prothorax gently curved. 'Thistle-shaped marking on segment 2 of abdomen. Other segments mainly black on green or blue background. Where black markings are reduced in size, blue- and-black patterning is as shown. Coenagrion puella female (Azure Damselfly) — Posterior margin of prothorax deeply indented. 'Mercury'-shaped marking on segment 2 of the abdomen. Other segments with blue-and-black patterning as shown for C. puella. (Note: there is an uncommon blue form of C. puella which also has the mercury' mark on segment 2. Always check shape of prothorax and confirm by observing males if possible.) (Extremely rare in Essex). 122