B. DRAGONFLIES (ANISOPTERA) 1 'Hawker' dragonflies Abdomen with a 'mottled' pattern of yellow, dark brown, and green or blue. — Not as above Large species, with prominent yellow or green 'eye' markings on thorax. Paired blue (in male) or green (in female) markings on segments 2-8 of abdomen are fused into a band on hindmost segments (9 and 10). — Thoracic markings usually less prominent, or absent. Paired markings on abdominal segments remain separate on hindmost segments (9 and 10). 3 Small species (compared with other hawkers). Thorax (and abdomen in female) hairy (fairly close view required). Pterostigma very narrow. Flies mid May to the end of June (only 'mottled' hawker on the wing this early). (Extremely rare in Essex) Not as above 123