4 Large hawker. Leading edge of wings bright yellow. In males the anal triangle of hind wings is 2- celled and segment 2 of the abdomen is as shown. Flies July - September (Extremely rare vagrant in Essex) Aeshna juncea* (Common Hawker) — Smaller and less 'gaudy' species (intermediate in size between A. juncea and B. pratense) Leading edge of wings dull brown. In males the anal triangle of the hind wings is 3-celled and segment 2 of the abdomen is as shown. Flies August - November. (Very common in Essex) Aeshna mixta* (Migrant Hawker) 5 Large hawker. Body almost wholly brown. Wing-venation brown. Wing-membrane yellow-brown tinted. Aeshna grandis (Brown Hawker) — Not as above ...................................... 6 6 Blue (males) or green (females). Abdomen with black median line and lateral markings as shown. Anax imperator (Emperor) — Not as above ...................................... 7 7 Large hawker. Abdomen black with yellow bands. (Extremely rare vagrant in Essex) Cordulegaster boltonii (Golden-ringed Dragonfly) 124