__ Not as above ...................................... 8 8 Eyes and thorax bright green. Abdomen dark metallic green to black. (Extremely local. So far confined to west of county.) Cordulia aenea (Downy Emerald Dragonfly) _ Not as above ...................................... 9 9 Medium-sized 'darter' dragonfly. Large area of pale blue on dorsal surface of abdomen. ...................................... 10 — Not as above ...................................... 11 10 Dark patch at base of fore and hind wings. No large dark markings elsewhere on wings. Abdomen very broad and mainly blue (i.e. without conspicuous black tip. Libellula depressa male (Broad-bodied Chaser) — No dark patch at base of wings. Abdomen less broad, and conspicuously black-tipped (segments 8-10). Orthetrum cancellatum male (Black-tailed Skimmer) For reliable identification of these species (especially females), beginners should consult specialist texts. 125