11 Abdomen dull yellow/yellowish brown. Dark patch at base of hind wings (sometimes also fore wings). Abdomen broad, tapering towards hind end. ...................................... 12 — Not as above ...................................... 13 12 Abdomen very broad, with distinct pale yellow markings along the sides, and no conspicuous black tip. Fore and hind wings dark at base, but no large dark areas elsewhere on wings. Libellula depressa female (or immature male) (Broad-bodied Chaser) — Abdomen not so broad. Dark spot midway along leading edge of each wing. Conspicuous dark tip to abdomen. Libellula quadrimaculata (Four-spotted Chaser) 13 Abdomen relatively broad, tapering towards hind end. Black markings as shown. Orthetrum cancellatum female (Black-tailed Skimmer) — Not as above ...................................... 14 14 Wings strongly suffused with saffron colouration in basal area, and mid-way along leading edge. (Rare migrant, occasionally seen in Essex.) Sympetrum flaveolum (Yellow-winged Darter) 126