Tillyard. R. J. (1917) The Biology of Dragonflies. Cambridge. Wake. A. J. (Ed.) (1983) Nature in North East Essex: The Roman River Valley. A Special Report. C.N.H.S. Walker. F. A. (1897) Dragonflies of North London. Entomologist 30: 120 - 2. Ward. B. T. (1956) Some Essex Naturalists. Essex Naturalist 29: 306 - 26. Ward. B. T. (1971) Personal View. Essex Field Club Bulletin Summer 1971: 5 - 8. Welstead. T. &. Welstead. N. (1984) The Dragonflies of the New Forest. Hampshire and Isle of Wight Naturalists' Trust. Whalley. P. (1986) Mortality in the Damselfly Ischnura elegans (Vander Linden). Journal of the British Dragonfly Society 2(1): 14-5. Winsland. D. (1983) Some Observations of Erythromma naias (Hansemann). Journal of the British Dragonfly Society 1 (1):6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The survey-results which form the main content of this work would have been impossible to obtain without the great help of the staff of the Essex Biological Recording Centres, and the time and enthusiasm of the many recorders who took part. In particular, thanks are due to Mrs. J. L. Adams and Mr. D.Collins of E.F.C.C., Mrs. K. M. Rowland and Mr. J. J. Heath, of C.E.M.. Mr. C. W. Plant of P.E.M.. and Mr. R. G. Payne of S.C.M. for their unstinting help with records, and for the use of museum facilities. Mr. R. Merritt. of the O.R.C. and Dr. B. C. Eversham of the I.T.E. have also given invaluable help, and Dr. S. L. Rotheray kindly supplied me with a list of records from E.N.T. reserves. The distribution maps and comments on Essex localities summarise the work of numerous field-observers. Mr. D. S. Martin devoted many hours to often unrewarding but very necessary recording in the north-west of the county and elsewhere. Messrs. A. Chalkley, J. Dobson, E. P. Ryan. M. J. Shanahan, D. A. Smith. D. S. Walker and G. J. White did extremely valuable recording in their own areas. A. J. Wake. T. Tarpey and the C.N.H.S. botany group filled in many empty spaces with their annual lists of botanical dragonflies', and valuable records were also received from the following: K. J. Adams, V. Barnham. A. D. Boniface. J. Bowdrey. S. Bratton. S. J. Brooks. C. Bruce. B. Butcher, N. Cardy. M. Catt. J. Chave. F. W. Coombs. D. Corke. R. Cowling. P. Cranefield. C. Dale. M. Dean. A. C. Eve. J. Fielding. J. and L. Forsyth. C. Gibson. T. Godfrey, J. Greenwood. C. Griffin. M. W. Hanson. D. Harpley. B. C. Hartley. L. Hooper. K. King. P. Kirby. P. Luke. A. McGeeney. D. Murdock. L. Palframan. S. Prewer. G. A. Pyman, P. J. Rowen. I. Rose. C. & R. Strachan. A. E. Stubbs. J. Threadgold. P. Treadwell. Barry Watts. Brian Watts. S. D. Webster, P. Whalley. P. Wilson, P. Winter. D. Woodfall. G. Wright and others. I am most grateful to D. K. Brown. E. P. Giles. B. M. Girling. R. Matthews. D. Mitchell. J. Pilkington. J. Tabor and the M.o.D. for allowing access to their land for recording purposes. For help with historical research. I should like to acknowledge, in addition to those already mentioned. S. J. Brooks (B.M. (N.H.)). J. Harvey (Entomology Library. B.M. (N.H.)). G. C. McGavin (H.D.E.. O.U.M.). S. R. Miles (Librarian. B.E.N H.S.). J. Seddon (Q.E.H.L.M.), Dr. C. Longfield. E. B. Pinniger, P. W. Glassborow. 134