Abbreviations used in this Book AES Amateur Entomologists' Society BWARS Bees Wasps and Ants Recording Scheme CA Court of Attachments CBC Common Bird Census EBR Essex Bird Report EBWPS Essex Birdwatching Society EFA Epping Forest Arbitration Proceedings EFC Essex Field Club EFCC Epping Forest Conservation Centre EFCR Epping Forest Committee Report EN Essex Naturalist ENT Essex Naturalists' Trust Ent. Mon. Mag. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine ERO Essex Record Office gbh Girth at Breast Height LBR London Bird Report Linn. Soc. Linnean Society LN London Naturalist LNHS London Natural History Society MAFF Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food NCC Nature Conservancy Council (now English Nature) NERC Natural Environment Research Council OS Ordnance Survey PEM Passmore Edwards Museum RDB Red Data Book RES Royal Entomological Society RL Redbridge Library RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Trans. LNHS Transactions of the London Natural History Society VCH Victoria County History VHM Vestry House Museum Wren Wren Conservation Group Acknowledgements It is impossible to write a book such as this, covering a wide range of topics without the assistance of many people. I would like to thank all the individuals, particularly those who contributed chapters, and institutions who have helped me in one way or another. Amongst these are Dr. Ken Adams, Mr. John Bratton, Mrs. Irene Buchan, Dr. David Corke, Mr. David Cottridge, Dr. Jonathan Cox. Mr. Stephen Davis, Mr. Michael Edwards. Mr. Steven Falk (for the illustrations including the front cover and frontispiece), Mr. Walter Ford. Mrs. Georgina Green, Mr. Peter Harvey, Prof. D. L. Hawksworth, Mr. David Henshaw, Dr. Peter Kirby, Mrs. Sheila Leswell, Mr. Roy McKenzie-Smith, Dr. Paulette McManus, Miss Sarah Piggott, Dr. Oliver Rackham, Mr. David Scott, Mr. Derek Smith, Prof. D.W. Vere. Mr. Alwyne Wheeler and Mr. Brian Williamson. Of the institutions, I would like to thank the curators and staff of the Vestry House and Passmore Edwards Museums; the Warden and staff of Epping Forest Conservation Centre; the Royal Entomological Society of London, through the Registrar, for allowing me to reproduce the illustration of Philanthus triangulum; the Superintendent, Mr. John Besent, and staff of the Conservators of Epping Forest; the staff of the reference section of Loughton Library, and the staff of the Nature Conservancy Council (English Nature). Thanks are also due to those who purchased the limited edition hard-back copies of this book and the Essex Field Club, who largely financed its production.