Fig. 8 Club Moss (Lycopodium clavatum) - now extinct in the Forest, but still found on moorland in the north and west of Britain (MH) near the Wake Arms, but by 1920 it was thought to be extinct, although it was rumoured to have hung on at High Beach until as late as 1946 or 1947. The specimen figured in Sowerby's English Botany was gathered by Edward Forster from Epping Forest. Bog Pimpernel (Anagallis tenella), another low-growing prostrate species with small pink flowers was known to Richard Warner from the Forest opposite the Bald-faced Stag, this area having been long since built on. It was recorded from Monk Wood in August 1888 by William Cole and in the early years of this century from near the Wake Arms and between Theydon and Loughton becoming extinct by 1933. Lesser Persicaria (Polygonum minus) was known from several bogs in the Forest in the 18th century (EN XIX p.233). Its only recent record 74