Table 1 The following list (p. 120-121) of the Hemiptera recorded from Epping Forest is not necessarily complete,but in its preparation I have made use of all the sources of records readily available to me. The literature sources used are listed in the reference section. The most valuable papers have been the series by Groves on the Hemiptera-Heteroptera of the London area, published in the London naturalist between 1964 and 1986. Nicholson (1927) provides a useful summary of older records. Most other references consulted have yielded only a small number of records. There are rather more unpublished than published records for the Forest. I have been able to use information from the biological survey of sites in Metropolitan Essex undertaken by the Passmore Edwards Museum in 1984; records held by the Epping Forest Conservation Centre; records made by J. H. Bratton in 1985; material collected by C. W. Plant in 1985 and subsequently, and by M. W. Hanson in 1989, and records made by myself and S. J. Lambert in 1985 and 1988. In the check list I have listed families in taxonomic order, following Le Quesne and Payne (1981) for the Auchenorhyncha and Kloet and Hincks (1964) for the Heteroptera. I have diverged from Kloet and Hincks by considering the Anthocoridae as a separate family rather than as a subfamily of the Cimicidae, and by placing Cymus in the Lygaeidae rather than the Berytinidae. in accordance with generally accepted current views. Within each family, species are listed in alphabetical order. Species only doubtfully recorded from the Forest, or which are not normally associated with semi-natural habitats, are placed in brackets. For species not recorded since 1980 I have given the date of the most recent record known to me. Species without dates have been recorded in the period 1980-1989. 119