Lophomma punctatum (Blackwall. 1841) Gongylidiellum vivum (O.P.-Cambridge, 1875) Micrargus herbigradus (Blackwall. 1854) Savignya frontata (Blackwall, 1833) Diplocephalus permixtus (OP.-Cambridge, 1871) Diplocephalus latifrons (O.P.-Cambridge. 1863) Diplocephalus picinus (Blackwall, 1841) Araeoncus humilis (Blackwall, 1841) Milleriana inerrans (O.P.-Cambridge. 1884) Erigone dentipalpis (Wider, 1834) Erigone atra (Blackwall, 1841) Drepanotylus uncatus (O.P.-Cambridge. 1873) Porrhomma pygmaeum (Blackwall. 1834) Porrhomma microphthalmum (O.P.-Cambridge. 1871) Agyneta decora (O.P.-Cambridge, 1870) Agyneta cauta (O.P.-Cambridge, 1902) Agyneta conigera (O.P.-Cambridge, 1863) Meioneta innotabilis (O.P.-Cambridge. 1863) Meioneta rurestris (C.L.Koch, 1836) Meioneta beata (O.P.-Cambridge. 1906) Meioneta saxatilis (Blackwall, 1844) Microneta viaria (Blackwall, 1841) Centromerus sylvaticus (Blackwall, 1841) Centromerus dilutus (O.P.-Cambridge. 1875) Tallusia experta (O.P.-Cambridge, 1871) Centromerita bicolor (Blackwall. 1833) Centromerita concinna (Thorell. 1875) Saaristoa abnormis (Blackwall. 1841) Macrargus rufus (Wider, 1834) Bathyphantes approximatus (OP-Cambridge. 1871) Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) Bathyphantes parvulus (Westring. 1851) Bathyphantes nigrinus (Westring, 1851) Kaestneria dorsalis (Wider, 1834) Kaestneria pullata (O.P-Cambridge. 1863) Diplostyla concolor (Wider, 1834) Drapetisca socialis (Sundevall, 1832) Tapinopa longidens (Wider, 1834) Floronia bucculenta (Clerck, 1757) Labulla thoracica (Wider. 1834) Stemonyphantes lineatus (Linnaeus. 1758) Lepthyphantes nebulosus (Sundevall. 1830) Lepthyphantes minutus (Blackwall, 1833) Lepthyphantes obscurus (Blackwall. 1841) Lepthyphantes tenuis (Blackwall. 1852) Lepthyphantes zimmermanni Bertkau. 1890 Lepthyphantes mengei Kulezynski, 1887 Lepthyphantes flavipes (Blackwall, 1854) Lepthyphantes tenebricola (Wider, 1834) Lepthyphantes ericaeus (Blackwall, 1853) Lepthyphantes pallidus (O.P.-Cambridge, 1871) Lepthyphantes midas Simon, 1884 Helophora insignis (Blackwall. 1841) Linyphia triangularis (Clerck, 1757) Linyphia hortensis Sundevall. 1829 Neriene montana (Clerck. 1757) Neriene clathrata (Sundevall. 1829) Neriene peltata (Wider, 1834) Microlinyphia pusilla (Sundevall. 1829) References Merrett, P., Locket, G. H. and Millidge. A. F. (1985) A check list of British spiders. Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. 6 (9) 381-403 Segers, H. (1989) A Redescriprion of Philodromus albidus Kulczynski, 1922 (Araneae, Philodromidae). Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc, 8 (2) 38-40. Harvestmen P.R.Harvey Like the spiders of the Forest, the harvestmen have not been comprehensively worked. The Rev. O. Pickard-Cambridge recorded 3 widespread species in 1882 and F. O. Pickard-Cambridge recorded a further 3 species in 1900. The number of British species is small, only 23 or 24 * species, 14 of which have now been recorded in the Forest. Most of these are probably widely distributed in the Forest. Species such as Oligolophus tridens. Paroligolophus agrestis, Lacinius ephippiatus, Lophopilio palpinalis and Rilaena triangularis are certainly numerous in some localities. I have also found the tiny delicate species Mitostoma chrysomelas to be numerous at Sunshine Plain but with a very short adult season. Opilio parietinus is highly synanthropic (Hillyaid and Sankey, 1989) and has been recorded on walls in the Forest. The smaller Opilio saxatilis, once thought to be the young of O. parietinus, occurs in relatively dry habitats such as heaths, grasslands and sand dunes (Hillyard and Sankey, 1989). The species was recorded in 1900 by F. O. Pickard-Cambridge and I have recorded the species from Sunshine Plain. One of the most interesting species to be recorded in the Forest is probably Paroligolophus meadii. The species occurs in the ground layer of relatively dry habitats such as chalk downs, heaths and sand dunes (Hillyard and Sankey, 1989). In Essex it is a rare species with all recent records being from old grassland or grass-heath habitats. It is adult through the autumn, winter and early spring period and I recently found it to be quite common on Leyton Flats in late autumn. * This depends on whether Mitopus morio var. ericaceus is considered a separate species or a variety. Two new species have also recently been recorded from the south-west of England and are not included in this total. References Hillyard. P. D. and Sankey. J, H. P. (1989) Harvestmen. Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series) No. 4 (Second Edition). E. J. Brill. Avon. 120pp. Pickard-Cambridge, O. (1883-86) A Contribution towards the Knowledge of the Arachnida of Epping Forest, Transactions of the Essex Field Club, Vol. IV p.41-49. Pickard-Cambridge, F. O.(1899-1900) Further Contributions towards the Knowledge of the Arachnida of Epping Forest. Essex Naturalist. Vol. XI p 315-318. 148