in April. 1991. Numbers arc steadily increasing - I saw 2 males and 1 female on Connaught Water on 19th January, 1978. Up to 11 birds were recorded from Forest ponds in 1982 (EBR 1982); 26 were recorded at Connaught Water in January, 1985 (EBR 1985); 20+here in February, 1988 and 30 counted here on 16th and 23rd November, 1988, constitute a county record for this species: possibly as many as 10 pairs are breeding in the Forest. Wigeon Anas penelope This is a winter visitor, mainly recorded from the ponds in the southern part of the Forest and usually in small numbers. It has been recorded in Wren reports from the Hollow Ponds (1979), Eagle Pond (1977), Shoulder of Mutton (1480) and a maximum of five birds were seen on the Basin on 3rd February, 1980. A bird seen on the Alexandra Lake on 25th May, 1980 was thought to be an escape from a wildfowl collection. A solitary male was reported from Connaught Water on 5th December, 1947 (LBR 1947). Gadwall Anas strepera This species occurs as a rare and irregular winter visitor. On 19th November, 1950 three were seen on the Ornamental Water (EN XXVIII p.289). Singletons were reported from southern Epping Forest in 1975 and 1977, the latter a female on the Basin Pond. From 25th January to 5th February, 1980 six males and five females were seen on the Basin (Wren, 1980). In 1982 seven birds were reported from the Hollow ponds and in January 1983 11 males and 5 females were seen on the Basin. Teal Anas crecca Another irregular winter visitor, usually occurring in low numbers. Buxton (1911) recorded several teal from the Wanstead Park ponds in 1883 and a single bird from Connaught Water in 1884. Four teal were recorded from the Ornamental Water on 8th February, 1948 (EN XXVIII p. 141). A male was reported from the Eagle Pond 1977-78. A pair were seen on the Alexandra Pond in March, 1977. Another pair were seen on the Whipps Cross Pond in 1979 and three males were reported from the Basin in November, 1980. Two Teal were reported from Connaught Water in March 1988. Mallard Anas platyrhynchos A common and widespread breeding species. Most ponds, however small, sooner or later seem to attract this species. It is a widespread breeding species. I have on one occasion found a female on a nest in an oak pollard by a pond. Numbers are augmented in winter by an influx of visitors: 400 were counted (mainly from the Basin) on 13th January, 1979.I have counted up to 350 on Connaught Water (23rd December, 1978) and 295 were recorded in total from the southern Forest ponds (mainly Eagle, Hollow and Basin) on 3rd February. 1980. There appear to be numerous 'hybrid' ducks with a great range in plumage colouration. Aylesbury ducks can also be seen on some ponds. Pintail Anas acuta A rare and irregular winter visitor, Buxton (1911) recorded this species as 'occasionally seen in winter in Wanstead Park and other places'. A male was seen on Connaught Water January - February 1912 (LNHS, 1928) and a male was seen here on 2nd January, 1953 (LBR 1953). Garganey Anas querquedula A pair reported from Wanstead Park in 1966 were thought to have escaped from a wildfowl collection (EBR 1966). Shoveler Anas clypeata An uncommon and irregular winter visitor, not listed by Buxton (1911). The earliest record I know is from Strawberry Hill Pond in 1923 (LNHS, 1928). Birds were seen on the Warren Pond and noted from Wanstead Park in 1964 (EBR 1964). A pair were noted on the Ornamental Water in the winter of 1977-78 and another pair were noted here in late 1978. Seven birds were seen on the Hollow Ponds and a pair on the Eagle Pond in 1979 along with a few other sightings. Ten birds, five males and five females, were seen on the Heronry Pond on 9th January, 1980 and 15 birds were recorded from the Basin Pond on the 2nd February, 1980 (Wren, 1977-80). At least 40 birds were present on the Alexandra Pond on 5th February, 1990. Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina An escaped female of this species was recorded from various ponds in Southern Epping Forest (including the Hollow Ponds) in the years 1976-1980. I saw a male of this species on Connaught Water on 30th March, 1979; possibly an escape. It was, however, with six female Goosander. A female was noted on Wanstead Flats in 1983 (EBR 1983). Pochard Athya ferina A regular winter visitor which has bred. It is often seen on the larger ponds and lakes. I have records from Connaught Water, Knighton Pond. Highams Park Lake, Hollow Ponds, Wanstead Park Ponds, Basin, and Alexandra and Eagle Ponds. On 23rd November, 1979 I counted 23 on Connaught Water. Forty-three were recorded from the Basin on 26th January, 1979 (Wren, 1979). Fifty-six birds were reported from the southern Forest ponds in November 1977. 1979 saw the first recorded breeding of this duck in Epping Forest at the Eagle Pond. However, only one duckling was hatched and the female was subsequently shot by youths with an air rifle, after which the male left. It is likely the duckling did not survive. Tufted Duck Athya fuligula A regular and often common winter visitor which and has bred. Buxton (1911) recorded only four birds in Wanstead Park in 1884. Since then there has been a substantial increase in the numbers of this bird seen in the Forest. Glegg (1929) records a nest and eight eggs being found at Connaught Water in 1913 and young were recorded on the Eagle Pond in 1916. Nesting has been reported from Wanstead park (four pairs and 16 young in 1977), Hollow Ponds (two nests in 1977) and the Alexandra Lake (1980). The numbers of wintering birds have also risen. A total of 105 were reported from the southern Forest ponds in 1980 (including 39 on the Hollow Ponds) (Wren, 1977-80). I also have records of this species from Connaught Water, Warren Pond and Knighton Pond. Doubtless it occurs on all the larger ponds in the Forest, Scaup Athya marila An extremely rare winter visitor to the Forest ponds and lakes. Buxton (1911) recorded a flock of seven or eight on the Basin 'a few years ago'. A probable male was seen on the Eagle Pond in December, 1987, but was subsequently thought to be a Tufted/Scaup hybrid. Goldeneye Bucephala clangula Another rare visitor: I know of only two records, a female seen the Alexandra Lake noted on 20th November to 24th December, 1977 and another seen on the Perch Pond Wanstead Park on 9th January, 1982 (Wren). Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator A single record: Leutscher (1974) recorded this species from the Wanstead area in January, 1969. Goosander Mergus merganser Known only as a rare and irregular winter visitor. Buxton (1911) listed 15 birds seen on the Basin in the winter of 1885. Four were seen on Connaught Water in March 1933 (LN 1933) one here in November 1946 (LBR 1946). I saw a single male on 1st March, 1979 and six females on 30th, again on Connaught Water and three males and two females were noted here in February, 1988. Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus A rare visitor. Sir T. F, Buxton noted this species feeding from a wasp's nest on Woodredon Hill in September, 1881. Another recorded from the Forest was seen near a wasp's nest being mobbed by crows and a kestrel on 3rd September, 1979 (LBR 1979), Red Kite Milvus milvus A scarce and irregular visitor. Christy (1890) reported this species as having occurred in the Epping district, but that 'thanks to the gamekeepers' had become extinct by 1835. On 10th May, 1948 and 23rd April, 1949 one, and probably two birds, were seen over Baldwins 163