Hill (LNHS, 1964). The Essex Bird Report for 1988 lists two birds seen at Chingford on 26th March. These birds were almost certainly yf continental origin. White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla Christy (1890), quoting from Yarrell, reported it as having been shot in Epping Forest (possibly referring to one shot near Ongar). Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus A female or immature male was seen at Epping Long Green on 22nd September, 1951 (LNHS, 1964). One was seen at Leyton in March 1990 (EBR 1990). Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus Edward Doubleday regarded this species as common at Epping (Christ)', 1890). Buxton (1911) regarded it as a frequently seen species. Glegg (1929), however, recognised it as a scarce breeding species in Epping Forest. A pair nested at Fairmead in 1921 (LN 1923). Breeding was again reported in 1925. The nest, in a Birch tree, and a plucking post were also found. Among the remains were Blackbird, Meadow Pipit. Mistle Thrush, Greenfinch, Jay, Tawny Owl, Wood Pigeon, Redstart, Whitethroat, Hawfinch and Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (LN 1925). A bird was seen about Woodford Golf Course in 1951 (EN XXIX p.40). Occasional forays were noted into suburban gardens to hunt. A female was seen in a Wanstead garden on 16th January, 1946, feeding on a sparrow. Another was seen in a Buckhurst Hill garden feeding on a Blue Tit (EN XXVIII p.75). By 1966 there were no breeding pairs in Epping Forest (Hudson and Pyman, 1968) but pairs were noted in the Forest in the breeding seasons in 1967 and 1968 (EBR 1967 and 1968). A male bird was seen on a number of occasions in the southern part of Epping Forest in 1980 (including Wanstead Park) (Wren, 1980), a bird with jesses also being reported. I saw a single bird over Fairmead and Hill Wood in April, 1986. The EBR reports 5 pairs from the Epping Forest area in 1989; a single bird was reported from Wanstead Park in December, 1990 (Fig. 1). Buzzard Buteo buteo This species formerly bred in the Epping area, disappearing c. 1830-35 (Christ)', 1890). Buxton (1911) reported them to have 'been seen several times during the last few years'. There are a number of records from the Yardley Hill, Gilwell Park area (1924, 1926 and 1927) (EN XX111 p.71-2). On 23rd September, 1939 two were seen soaring over Hawk Wood, Chingford and another was seen over Fairmead on 31st March, 1935 (McKenzie-Smith, pers. comm.). A Buzzard (sp.7) was reported from Wanstead park in September, 1949 (LBR 1949). In 1976 a Buzzard was reported from southern Epping Forest (Wren, 1976). Another was seen in the Forest on 3rd February, 1982 (EBR 1982). There are other occasional sightings of unidentified buzzards, most likely to be Common Buzzard, but there is a possibility that Rough-legged are involved as well. Fig. 1 The Sparrow hawk, from an ilustration in Buxton's Epping Forest. 164