Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus The least likely to be encountered of the five regularly recorded gulls. Recorded in low numbers, usually single birds. Noted from Hollow Ponds, Eagle Pond, Leyton Flats and Wanstead Flats in the years 1977-80 (Wren, 1977-80). Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla Edward Doubleday recorded this species in the Epping area after long stormy weather (Christy, 1890). One was found dead in a Buckhurst Hill garden in 1977. The specimen is now in the Queen Elizabeth's Hunting Lodge Museum. It is the only gull species recorded in Buxton. Common Tern Sterna hirundo Edward Doubleday reports a specimen killed whilst flying over some large water filled gravel pits near Epping (Christy, 1890). A Commie Tern was seen over the Alexandra Lake in April, 1972 (Wren, 1980), Black Tern Chlidonias leucopterus One seen on the Basin, Wanstead on 2nd May. 1926 (Glegg, 1929). Guillemot Uria aalge One was found dead on Theydon Bois Golf Course in 25th October, 1983 (EBR 1983). Razorbill Alca torda One was seen on Knighton Pond on 18th September, 1935 by F. C. Bromley (Mr. McKenzie-Smith, pers, comm.) given as 1937 in Hudson and Pyman (1968). Little Auk Alle alle One was shot at Loughton in 1869 (Glegg, 1929); another was found dead in Wanstead Park in 1962 (Wren, 1980). Pallas' Sand Grouse Syrrhaptes paradoxus One was taken on Wanstead Flats in July, 1864(Glegg, 1929). Stock Dove Columba oenas Buxton (1911) records this bird as a breeding species. It seems to be present in small numbers throughout the wooded parts of the Forest. I have seen pairs occupy holes in Beech trees at Kate's Cellar. Hill Wood and Lords Bushes. It has also been recorded nesting at Long Running (EBR 1980). Seven pairs were reported for Epping Forest in 1982 (EBR 1982). Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus A common breeding species throughout the Forest and it has been known as such for at least 100 years (Christy, 1890; Buxton, 1911 and LN 1923). Occasionally winter flocks reach large number: 600+ birds in the Ching Brook area in December, 1978; 'several thousand' were reported roosting on Lincoln Island. Wanstead Park in 1972 (Wren, 1977). Buxton (1911) recorded vast flocks in Theydon and Monk Wood feeding on beech-mast. Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto First seen in Essex in 1957, this species is now frequently encountered in the more open urban areas that surround the Forest I have seen it in Lords Bushes, near the Ching Brook (Whitehall Plain) and by North Farm. It is also widely reported from the southern part of Epping Forest (Wren, 1977-8). I saw several roosting on one of the Alexandra Pond islands in February, 1990. Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur A summer visitor, rather uncommon in Epping Forest. I have records from Woodredon (1979); Warren Hill (1980): near Buckhurst Hill Cricket Pitch (1980) and Yardley Hill (1989). It has also been reported from Wanstead Flats and Wanstead Park (Wren, 1978-9). It was reported to be a scarce summer visitor in the London Naturalist for 1923. Buxton (1911) recorded it as a breeding species in Theydon Thickets. Ring-necked Parakeet Psittacula krameri This species was first recorded in the Loughton area in 1930-2 (EN XXIII p.273). At least six birds were noted frequenting gardens bordering Epping Forest. In the 1970s and 1980s there have been numerous records from the Epping, Buckhurst Hill, Chingford, Highams Park, Woodford Green, South Woodford and Wanstead areas. A maximum often birds were reported over Manor Park in January, 1978. Feral breeding is strongly suspected. (Note - the Blossom-headed Parakeet (Psittacula rosa) was reportedly nesting at Chingford in 1977 (Wren, 1977).) Cuckoo Cuculus canorus A widespread and frequent summer visitor, perhaps favouring the northern parts of the Forest. It always appears to have been a relatively common summer visitor (Buxton, 1911). Barn Owl Tyto alba Now a rare visitor to the Forest. It was much more frequently encountered in the 19th century, even breeding in large gardens in the Epping Forest area. Buxton (1911)'.., I used to hear this bird nightly twenty years ago in Lords Bushes, the old hollow trees of which it frequented ... I saw a pair close to Fairmead Lodge in the summer of 1884... There are two records for Epping Forest in 1916 and 1922 (LN 1922). Another was recorded on Yardley Hill in 1930 (EN XXIII p.73). One was seen over Fairmead in April, 1934 (LN 1934) and in Wanstead Park in 1948 (Wren, 1980), Gillingham (1953) noted a single bird near Nursery Road, Loughton. A Yorkshire ringed male was found in Epping Forest in 1955 (Cox. 1984). Barn Owls were reported at Epping Long Green in 1967 (EBR 1967) and there is an unlocated record for the Forest in 1978 (LBR 1978). Snowy Owl Nyctea scandiaca Reported from Sewardstonebury in March, 1963 (Cox, 1984). Little Owl Athene noctua Now an uncommon visitor to the Forest. It used to regularly breed in dead pollard trees in a field adjacent to the Forest at Buckhurst Hill (the Nightingale Riding Stables); the trees have long since gone and the owls too. This alien owl was introduced at Loughton in 1910. The first Essex record was from Chigwell in 1865, some 20 years after its introduction in Yorkshire (Cox, 1984). It is not listed by Buxton (1911). It was recorded from Gilwell Park in the 1920s (EN XXIII p.74) and Staples Hill in February, 1924 (LN 1924). No breeding records for the Forest are given in Montier (1977). Tawny Owl Strix aluco The commonest of the owls in Epping Forest, Widespread and a not uncommon breeding species. Long-eared Owl Asio otus I know of no recent record of this species. Buxton (1911) 'has been obtained several times, and it would multiply rapidly if it were not so frequently destroyed by gamekeepers'. Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus Buxton (1911) reported this species as being 'shot on several occasions in turnip fields in the neighbourhood'. One was seen quartering fields near Ambresbury Banks in February. 1948 (LBR 1948). It was reported from Epping Forest in February and October, 1975 (EBR 1975). A single bird was seen in allotment gardens on the east bank of the Roding opposite Wanstead park in 1980 (Wren, 1980). 167