Red Data Book 3 (RDB3) At Risk: species which are known or thought to exist in fifteen or fewer 10 km squares in the U.K. and have been recorded in these squares since 1970. English Nature also use the category Notable for other scarce but less vulnerable species, split into two categories Notable a and Notable b. Table 1 (below) is a list of 50 invertebrates recorded from Epping Forest over the last 150 years. The list is selected to include thirty of the national rarities recorded from the Forest with their current conservation status (RDB1-3). It is not known how many of these still survive in the Forest. Rarities are readily discovered in the Forest - the small beetle Batrisodes buqueti was found in 1987. Its only other known location in Britain is Windsor Forest. Many of the RDB species on this list are confined to ancient woodland. Other species on the list have been selected for their rarity in Essex. Many of these are designated as notable by English Nature. I have also selected the species on this list to cover as wide a range of wood-pasture habitats as possible. Much of the information on this table was gathered by the Nature Conservancy Council for the Invertebrate Site Register, Report No. 99 Epping Forest (1987). Table 1. Species Order Family Status Date Habitat Acritus homoeopathicus Coleoptera Histeridae RDB3 1951 Burnt Ground Ampedus cardinalis Coleoptera Elateridae RDB2 post-1970 Woodland Andrena bucephala Hymenoptera Andrenidae 1990 Asilus crabroniformis Diptera Asilidae 1949 Grazed Pasture Batrisodes buqueti Coleoptera Pselaphidae RDB1 1987 Wood-pasture Brachypalpus laphriformis Diptera Syrphidae 1922 Woodland Caryocolum junctella Lepidoptera Gelechiidae ]9rh C. Neutral Grassland Chrysogaster macquarti Diptera Syrphidae 1981 Bog/Marsh Cordulia aenea Odonata Coenagriidae 1980s Pond Crossocerus distinguendus Hymenoptera Sphecidae 1989 Open Ground Ctenophora flaveolata Diptera Tipulidae RDB2 1946 Woodland Diodontus insidiosus Hymenoptera Sphecidae RDB3 1990 Open Sandy Ground (Heaths) Dromius sigma Coleoptera Carabidae RDB2 19th C. Marsh Ectoedemia turbidella Lepidoptera Nepticulidae 1974-9 Enicmus rugosus Coleoptera Lathridiidae RDB2 c.1950 Woodland Erioptera nigripalpis Diptera Tipulidae RDB3 1966 Streamside Euryusa optabilis Coleoptera Staphylinidae RDB2 19th C. Woodland Evarcha arcuata Araneae Salticidae pre-1904 Heath Ferdinandea ruficornis Diptera Syrphidae 1946 Woodland Gnorimus nobilis Coleoptera Scarabaeidae RDB3 1881 Graphoderus cinereus Coleoptera Dytiscidae RDB3 1954 Pond Hedychridium coriaceum Hymenoptera Chrysididae RDB3 1989 Open Sandy Ground (Heaths) Heptaulacus testudinarius Coleoptera Scarabaeidae RDB3 19th C. Dung Hippodamia tredecimpunctata Coleoptera Coccinellidae RDB3 c.1950 Marsh Hydroporus rufifrons Coleoptera Dytiscidae RDB2 c.1950 Pond Iassus scutellaris Hemiptera Cicadellidae 1989 Hedgerow Lepthyphantes midas Araneae Linyphiidae 1971 Woodland Limnophila pictipennis Diptera Tipulidae RDB2 1978 Streamside Mallota cimbiciformis Diptera Syrphidae 1983 Woodland Manda mandibularis Coleoptera Staphylinidae RDB2 19th C. Pond Margin Megapenthes lugens Coleoptera Elateridae RDB1 pre-1950 Woodland Myennis octopunctata Diptera Otitidae RDB2 1950 Woodland Myolepta luteola Diptera Syrphidae 1983 Woodland Orthopodomyia pulcripalpis Diptera Culicidae RDB3 1981 Woodland Osphya bipunctata Coleoptera Pselaphidae RDB3 c.1950 Woodland Paranthrene tabaniformis Lepidoptera Sesiidae RDB1 1912 Woodland Pareulype berberata Lepidoptera Geometridae RDB1 19th C. Philanthus triangulum Hymenoptera Sphecidae RDB2 1837 Open Sandy Ground (Heath) Philodromus margaritatus Araneae Philodromidae pre-1904 Woodland Pocota personata Diptera Syrphidae RDB2 1947 Woodland Prionocyphon serricornis Coleoptera Scirtidae RDB3 post-1950 Woodland (Rot-holes) Rhacognathus punctatus Hemiptera Pentatomidae 1989 Heath Rhizophagus oblongicollis Coleoptera Rhizophagidae RDB1 1943 Woodland Sciomyza simplex Diptera Sciomyzidae 1980 Marsh Sphecodes crassus Hymenoptera Halictidae 1989 Bare Ground (Heath) Synchita separanda Coleoptera Colydiidae RDB3 c. 1950 Woodland Systenus pallipes Diptera Dolichopodidae 1979 Woodland Thomisus inustus Araneae Thomisidae pre-1904 Heath Trichopareia seria Diptera Tachinidae RDB2 1921 Woodland Zeugophora flavicollis Coleoptera Chrysomelidae 1917 Woodland 179