Selected Bibliography Addison, W, (c, 1978) Queen Elizabeth's Hunting Lodge and Epping Forest Museum. Conservators of Epping Forest. Addison, W. (1977) Portrait of Epping Forest. Hale. Alexander, J, A,, Aylwin Cotton, M., Robertson Mackay, R. and Hazzledine Warren, S. (1978) Ambresbury Banks, an Iron Age Camp in Epping Forest, Essex: a report on excavations of 1933, 1956, 1958 and 1968. Essex Archaeology and History. Vol. 10, p. 189-207. Baker, C. A., Moxey, P. A. and Oxford, P.M. (1978) Woodland Continuity and Change in Epping Forest. Field Studies 4. p. 645 - 669. Brimble, J. A. (1950) London's Epping Forest Country Life. Brooks. R, T. and Fulcher, E.A, (1979) An Archaeological Guide to Epping Forest. Conservators of Epping Forest. Burdett, C. W. B. (1911) Gossiping Rambles in Suburban Essex. Epping Forest and Beyond. Buxton, A. (1948) Travelling Naturalist p. 13-33 Collins. Buxton, E. N. (1884) Epping Forest. Edward Stanford. Printed in several editions. Commercial Timetable Company (Publishers) (c. 1910) A Walk through Epping Forest: being a Complete Guide to the Forest, from Wanstead Flats to Epping Plain. Corke, D. (Ed.) (1978) Epping Forest - the natural aspect? Essex Naturalist (New Series) No. 2. Essex Field Club. Corke, D. (Ed.) (1979) The Wildlife of Epping Forest, Essex Naturalist (New Series) No. 4. Essex Field Club, Eversley, Lord (1910) Commons Forests and Footpaths. p. 73-110. Cassells. Revised Edition. Fisher, W. R, (1887) The Forest of Essex. London. Gillingham, D. W. (1953) Unto the Fields. Museum Press. (Some chapters with descriptions of the Forest's wildlife.) Green, G. (1982) Epping Forest through the ages, Privately published. Green, G. (1987) Keepers, Cockneys and Kitchen Maids. Memories of Epping Forest 1900-1925. Privately published. Hanson, M. W. (1983) Lords Bushes: the history and ecology of an Epping Forest woodland. Essex Naturalist (New Series) No. 7. Essex Field Club. Hawkins, H. (c. 1896) Epping Forest. London's Great Legacy. Thomas Mitchell, Headley. F. H. (1922) Epping Forest. Great Eastern Railway. Hinde, T. (1985) Forests of Britain, p. 131-145. Gollancz. Hunter, R. (1878) The Epping Forest Act. London. Jacobi, R. M., Martingell, H. E. and Huggins, P. J. (1978) A Mesolithic Industry from Hill Wood, High Beach, Epping Forest. Essex Archaeology. Vol. 10, p. 206-219 (Plate 1, p. 249). Layton, R. L, (1985) Recreation, Management and Landscape in Epping Forest: c. 1800-1984. Field Studies 6 p. 269-290. Lindley, P. (1886-7) Walks in Epping Forest. London. 3rd Edition. Mills, W. (1911) Epping Forest: a Brief Descriptive Guide to some of its Fairest Scenes. Great Eastern Railway, Perceval, P. J. S. (1909) London's Forest: its History, Traditions and Romance Dent Qvist, A. (1958) Epping Forest. Conservators of Epping Forest. (Revised Edition 1971). Rackham. O. (1980) Ancient Woodland, its history, vegetation and uses in England, p. 187-188. Arnold. Rackham, O. (1986) The History of the Countryside, p. 147-150 and p. 294. Ramsey, W. and Fowkes, R. (1986) Epping Forest then and now. Plaistow Press, Richmond, W, R. (1910) Jarrold's Illustrated Handbook to Epping Forest and its Borderland, Speakman, F. J. (1962) A Keeper's Tale. Bell. Speakman, F. J. (1965) A Forest by Night. Bell. Townley. H. (1910) English Woodlands and their story, p. 172-214. Methuen. Ward, B. (1977) The Retreats of Epping Forest. Conservators of Epping Forest, Geology and Soils Bharji. K., Hollis, J. and Moxey. P. (1987) Soils and Ecology in Epping Forest SEESOIL 4 p. 24-65, Sturdy, R. G. and Allen, R. H, (1978) Geology and Soils of Epping Forest. In Corke, D., ed., Epping Forest - the natural Aspect? Essex Naturalist (New Series) No. 2 p. 4-15. Nannoplankton (minute bacteria, fungi, algae, diatoms, Protozoa) Scourfield, D, J. (1944) The Nannoplankton of Bomb-crater Pools in Epping Forest. Essex Naturalist Vol. XXVII p. 231-241. Turbellaria: Planarians Jane, F. W. (1926) The Worm Fauna of Essex. In Essex: An Outline Scientific Survey by Members of the Essex Field Club (Hutchings, G. E, ed.) p. 65-66. Oligochaeta: Earthworms Jane, F. W. (1926) The Worm Fauna of Essex. In Essex: An Outline Scientific Survey by Members of The Essex Field Club (Hutchings, G. E. ed,) p. 69-70. ' Mollusca: Snails and Slugs Crouch. W. (1888) On the Land and Fresh-water Mollusca Collected in Wanstead and the Neighbouring Districts in the Becontree Hundred of Essex Essex Naturalist Vol. IV p. 202-211. Hanson, M. W. (1983) Lords Bushes- the history and ecology of an Epping Forest woodland, Essex Naturalist (New Series) No. 7 p.48. Petch. T. (1904) Notes on Mollusca. Essex Naturalist Vol. XIII p. 299,342 and 364. Webb, W. M. (1896) The Non-Marine Molluscs of Essex. Essex Naturalist Vol. X p. 27-48 and 65-81. Crustacea: Entomostraca Scourfield, D, J. (1897) The Entomostraca of Epping Forest. Essex Naturalist Vol. X p. 192-210, p. 259-274, p. 313 and 334. Collembola: Springtails Womersley, H. (1932) A Short Account of the Collembola and Thysanura of Epping Forest. Essex Naturalist Vol. XXIII p. 116-120. Lepidoptera: Moths Emmet, A. M. (1979) The Lepidoptera - An Historical Perspective, In Corke, D. (ed.) The Wildlife of Epping Forest. Essex Naturalist (New Series) No. 4. p. 31-42. 186