Emmet, A. M. (1981) The Smaller Moths of Essex. Essex Naturalist (New Series) No. 6. Essex Field Club- Emmet, A. M. and Pyman, G. A. (1985) The Larger Moths and Butterflies of Essex. Essex Naturalist (New Scries) No. 8. Essex Field Club. Coleoptera: Beetles Buck, F.D. (1955) A Provisional List of the Coleoptera of Epping Forest Ent. Mon. Mag. Vol. XCI p. 174-192. Hammond. P. (1979) Beetles in Epping Forest, In Corke, D. ed.. The Wildlife of Epping Forest. Essex Naturalist (New Series) No. 4. p. 43-60. Hymenoptera, Cynipidae: Gall Wasps Lewis. E. J. (1902 and 1904) The Oak Galls and Gall Insects of Epping Forest. Essex Naturalist Vol. XII p. 267-286. Vol. XIII p. 138-174. Hydracarina: Water Mites Soar, C. D. (1916) The Water Mites (Hydracarina) of Epping Forest. Essex Naturalist Vol. XVIII p. 96-105. Soar. C. D. (1927) On the recent Occurrence of an Halacarid, a rare Water Mite, in Epping Forest. Essex Naturalist XXI p. 59-61. The Epping Forest Survey by the London Natural History Society 1942-1948. (London Naturalist Nos. 22-28), The Chingford local group of the London Natural History Society commenced a survey of the Cuckoo Pits area of Epping Forest in 1942. The survey included studies on the Higher Plants (1944), Mosses and Liverworts (1944), Mycetozoa (1944 and 1945), Fungi (1945), Dragonflies and Damselflies (1944), Plant Galls (1944 and 1946), Butterflies (1944). There was also a yearly report on the climate. Later other parts of the Forest were added - Highams Park (Birds and Mammals) in 1946 and Ludgate Plain (Birds and Mammals) in 1947. An account of the Hornets of the Epping Forest area was published in 1946 and an account of the regenerating vegetation of various sites in the Forest, after bomb damage, in 1948. 187