Goldings Hill 34,66 Goldings Hill Pond 76,77,83,88 Goosander 163 Grass heath 72-73 Grasshopper Warbler 170 Grasshoppers 108-110 Grassland 69-73,82,123,144-145 Gravel 32-34 Grazing 26-33 Grazing and plant life 28-29 Grazing Rights (Winter) 28 Great Black-backed Gull 167 Great Crested Grebe 161 Great Grey Shrike 172 Great Snipe 166 Great Standing 15 Great Tit 172 Great-spotted Woodpecker 168 Green Lanes 79 Green Sandpiper 166 Green Woodpecker 168 Greenfinch 173 Greenshank 166 Grey Heron 162 Grey Partridge 165 Grey Phalarope 166 Grey Plover 165 Grey Squirrel 176 Grey Wagtail 169 Greylag Goose 162 Grimston's Oak 65 Gudgeon 152 Guillemot 167 H Hainault Forest 12,18 Hangboy Slade 22 Harebell 70 Harvest Mouse 176 Harvestmen 148-149 Hatch Grove 60-61 Hatches 30 Hatfield Forest 9 Hawfinch (Frontispiece) 174 Hawk Wood 45 Heath (cutting) 41 Heath Spotted Orchid 73 Heathland 87.117 Hedgehog 175 Hedgerow 43,51 Hemiptera 116-121 Herb Paris 58 Herring Gull 166 High Beach 33,36,43-45,73,89,124,138 Highams Park 60 Highams Park Pond 76 Higher Plants 55-85 Hobby 165 Hollow Ponds 34,76 Holly 23 Holly (cutting) 41 Honey Buzzard 163 Hoopoe 168 Hornbeam 23,62 Horse Chestnut 24,67 Horses (grazing) 27 House Martin 168 House Mouse 176 House Sparrow 173 I Iceland Gull 166 Icterine/Melodious Warbler 171 Introduced plants 80,85 Introduced trees and shrubs 67-69, 81 Ivy-leaved Bell-flower 73 J Jack Snipe 166 Jackdaw 173 Jay 172 Justice Seat 6,7 K Kestrel 165 Kingfisher 168 King's Oak 65 Kittiwake 167 Knighton Wood 46 L Lapwing 165 Leach's petrel 162 Legal Forest 5,26 Lemon-scented Fern 72 Lesser Black-backed Gull 166 Lesser Butterfly Orchid 72 Lesser Spotted Woodpecker 168 Lesser Whitethroat 171 Leyton Flats 18,32,33,34,72,82,93,126 Lichens 92-101 Lime 24 Linnet 173 Ling (Heather) 72 Little Auk 167 Little Grebe 161 Little Owl 167 Little Standing 17 Little Stint 165 207