Liverworts 86-91 Lodges and Standings 8-17 London Plane 24 Long-eared Bat 176 Long-eared Owl 167 Long-leaved Sundew 75 Long-tailed Tit 172 Lopping = Pollarding Lops and Tops 20 Lord Warden 7 Lords Bushes 23,33,46-47, 55-56,66,78,80,81,128 Lost Pond see Blackweir pond Loughton 19,49,78 Loughton Brook 23,150 Loughton Camp 21,22,23 33,73 Lousewort 73 Lower Forest = Wintry Wood 87,93,95,96,101 Ludwigia 78 M Magpie 172 Mallard 163 Mammals 175-178 Management 180-183 Mandarin 162 Manx Shearwater 162 Map of Epping Forest 54 Maple 23 Marsh 75-76,145 Marsh Cinquefoil 76 Marsh Fern 75 Marsh Harrier 164 Marsh Tit 172 Master Keeper 7,21 Meadow Barley 70 Meadow Pipit 169 Meadow Rue 70 Mealy Redpoll 173 Mediterranean Gull 166 Midland Thorn 56 Merlin 165 Milk Parsley 126 Millipedes 107 Mineral Extraction 32-35 Minor Exploitation 41 Mistle Thrush 170 Mistletoe 58 Mole 175 Monk Wood 19,22,58,87,93,125 Monkhams Grove 60 Monotropa hypopitys 58 Moorhen 165 Mosses 86-91 Muntjac 177 Mute Swan 162 N Naumann's Thrust 170 Neottia nidus-avis 58 Neutral Grasslands 69-71,82 New Lodge = Fairmead Lodge Nightingale 169 Nightjar 167 Noctule 175 North Farm 43 Notable Trees 65-66 Nutcracker 172 Nuthatch 172 O Oak 23,62 Odonata 110-115 Opiliones 148-149 Oystercatcher 165 P Pallas' Sand Grouse 167 Parrot Crossbill 174 Peasticks 19 Pepper Saxifrage 70 Perambulation 41-42 Perch 153 Peregrine 165 Pheasant 165 Pied Flycatcher 171 Pied Wagtail 169 Pike 151 Pimps 19 Pine Marten 177 Pinfold = Pimfold 8,12 Pintail 163 Pipistrelle 175 Plane Tree 67 Planting (trees) 67-69 Pochard 163 Pole Hill 35 Polecat 177 Pollard trees 18-26,47,55-58 Polypody 56-58 Polystichum aculeatum 58 setiferum 58 Ponds 29-30,76-78,110,113,117,145,150 Poplars 64-67 Pound (see also Pinfold) 28 Pseudoscorpions 149-150 Pulpit Oak 65 Pumpkinseed 153 Purlieu 43 208