This last year has seen the effective demise of the Passmore Edwards Museum with the result that the Field Club collections, upon which the museum was founded, desperately need to be re-housed. Ken Adams has been working towards this end, firstly helping to produce an inventory of the various holdings and assessing their future storage needs and secondly negotiating with the London Borough of Newham and the Corporation of London through John Besent, Superintendent of Epping Forest on the transfer of the collections to what will hopefully be a purpose- built modern storage/ exhibition/ research facility at High Beach. Importantly this new building would give the Field Club a new headquarters. However negotiations are still underway and the Club are required to raise a substantial amount of money towards the cost and once again Ken has been contacting potential sponsors. Sadly Peter Harvey has informed me of the death of John Felton in 1994 although not from Essex, he determined or confirmed the identity of much of the critical aculeate material collected by Peter Harvey in Essex. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Mrs Sheila Leswell, Miss Nichola Darlow and Mrs Cherril Darlow and Mrs Susan Smolen for their help with the preparation of this journal. 4