374 Synanthedon vespiformis L .Yellow-legged Clearwing. 60 Fryerning Church 1991, an adult on Escalonia blossom (GS). 70 Danbury Country Park 11 and 12 July 1991, one possibly two adults at rest on oak (CR per GAP). 397 Synanthedon myopaeformis Borkh. Red Belted Clearwing. 90 Bradwell Brook 23 August 1992 (GS). Hesperiidae 1 532 Erynnis tages L. Dingy Skipper. Last County record occurred in spring 1990 at 92 Friday Wood (BG) and the species may now be extinct in Essex. 1 534 Pyrgus malvae L . Grizzled Skipper. Possibly now extinct in the northern vice-county. Still occurs at several south Essex sites such as Langdon NR, where a small colony persists (NW per GAP). There are plans to introduce this species to Little Baddow Heath NR from Sussex stock. Papilionidae 1539 Papilio machaon L. Swallowtail. Two during 1993 at II St. Osyth (RWA) and one at 22 Walton on Naze on 1 August 1993 (BB per KA). Pieridae 1 548 Aporia crataegi L . Black-veined White. One was reported at 90 Wycke Farm, Tollesbury on 17 May 1990 (MB), and another at 90 Maldon Wick NR in the summer of 1993 (GAP). 1 549 Pieris brassicae L. Large White. A considerable influx of migrants was reported by several recorders during the last week of July and the first week of August 1992. Lycaenidae 1555 Callophrys rubi L . Green Hairstreak. Evidently increasing in numbers at many localities. For example, a short walk at 92 Friday Wood, Colchester on 17 May 1991 yielded twenty adults (BG), the highest count for many years. 1572 Aricia agestis D&S Brown Argus. I have received forty-four additional records for this species from thirty-two sites, ranging from 1978 to 1993, mostly from south Essex. Nymphalidae 1584 Ladoga camilla L. White Admiral. There have been no post 1987 reports from 11 Riddles Wood and the last sighting at 23 Copperas Wood occurred in 1983. The species still persists at nearby Stour 6