Wood where in 1991 there were a total of nine sightings (RL), and 1993 seven adults were seen in one visit (JPB). Other records are 30 Galleyhill Woods, eight seen in 1986 (CWP) and 00 Marshhouse Decoy Pond (JH). 1594 Nymphalis polychloros L Large Tortoiseshell. 90 Bradwell 24 and 28 April 1987, one or possibly two adults (AJD, SFJD). 1601 Boloria euphrosyne L Pearl-bordered Fritillary. Thirty-nine adults from Rewell Wood, Arundel, Sussex were introduced at a wood near Chelmsford in May 1990. Two years later a maximum of eighteen adults was seen at this site on any one day and during the flight period, but by 1993 only four imagines were observed (GAP). 1607 Argynnis aglaja L. Dark Green Fritillary. 52 Stansted 14 August 1984 (PJ). 1608 Argynnis paphia L. Silver-washed Fritillary. 88 Belfairs 27 June 1989 (DGG). 1613 Mellicta athalia Rott. Heath Fritillary. The colony at 70 Thrift Wood still appears to be doing well. Maximum daily counts for adults include ninety-two in 1990 and seventy-three in 1991 (GAP). A second colony (taken from Thrift Wood stock) was introduced to 89 Hockley Wood in 1987. Here good numbers were reported in 1990, and a count of one hundred and fifty-three adults was recorded on 9 July 1992 (DK, KU). Satyridae 1614 Pararge aegeria L . Speckled Wood. A specimen was caught at 92 Friday Wood on 14 June 1989 and further searches yielded two more later in the year (BG). By 1991 the species had become common and widespread throughout much of the Roman River Valley, demonstrating the continuing spread of the species northwards. 1615 Melanargia galathea L Marbled White. A few specimens were noted at 88 Belton Downs and 78 Benfleet Downs during 1988 and 1990 (PSm). An introduced colony in the St. Osyth area in 1987 seems to have failed, whilst one at Bradwell yielded four to seven specimens in 1991, fewer than in the previous year. 1621 Hipparchia semele L. Grayling. A lone female at 02 Middlewick Ranges on 10 August 1991 was the only specimen recorded during a CNHS survey for the species. Further surveys during 1992 yielded no specimens and it may well be extinct in Essex. One earlier report was of a lone adult at 70 Chelmsford 2 August 1985 (CP). 7