Drepanidae 1649 Drepana curvatula Borkh. Dusky Hook-tip. 90 Bradwell 29 May 1992 (AJD). A suspected immigrant. New to Essex. Thyatiridae 1656 Tetheella fluctuosa Hb Saatin Lutestring. 90 Bradwell 26 July 1987, an adult at light (SFJD). Seventh Essex record. 1658 Cymatophorima diluta D&S Oak Lutestring. 92 Friday Wood, common 1985 -1990 (BG), although restricted in range to a small group of mature oaks within the main wooded area - a feature which may be common to other oak woodlands in Essex. Geometridae 1661 Archiearis parthenias L. Orange Underwing. 92 Chest Wood 16 March 1992, a small colony (CA per JF). 01 Fingringhoe Wick NR June 1987, larvae on birch (BG). 1662 Archieris notha Hb . Light Orange Underwing. 52 Hatfield Forest 11 April 1992, several (DJLA). 92 Chest Wood 5 April 1983, a female basking on bare earth in a conifer plantation (aspen present) (JPB). The former record is most welcome since it is the only Essex site away from the Colchester area where the species is known to breed. 1668 Thetidia smaragdaria Fabr . Essex Emerald. Captive stock, gathered from a Kent locality, is currently being maintained by Dr. P. Waring and others with a view to releasing specimens back to the wild at a site in Essex. The project has, however, been set back by breeding difficulties. 1677 Cyclophora albipunctata Hufn. Birch Mocha. 01 Fingringhoe Wick NR, specimens noted on 16 May and 15 August 1987 (BG). 1679 Cyclophora porata L. False Mocha. 90 Bradwell 31 August 1990 (SFJD). A very local species in Essex which is still fairly common in the Colchester area. 1680 Cyclophora punctaria L . Maiden's Blush. A species very much on the increase. It has recently occurred at 49 Theydon Bois in some numbers, three in 1990, five in 1991 and fifteen in 1992 (JGG). Specimens were also reported from 53 Saffron Walden 1990 (AME), 23 Copperas Wood two in 1991 and one in 1992 (PS), and three at 11 St. Osyth in 1992 and 1993 (RWA). 1699 Idaea vulpinaria H.-S. Least Carpet. Another species which continues to spread. 49 Theydon Bois seven in 1990 (JGG). 70 Chelmsford 1985, 1986 and 1987 (CP). 90 Bradwell, very common in 1991 (SFJD). 11 Jaywick six during 1991 (JY). 1718 Phibalapteryx virgata Hufn . Oblique Striped. 90 Brad- 8