well 21 July 1987 (AJD). Fourth Essex record. 1720 Orthonama obstipata Fabr. The Gem. 90 Bradwell six in 1987, three in 1988 and five in 1993 (AJD, SFJD). 11 St. Osyth two in 1988 and 1991 and three in 1993 (RWA, BCM). 1722 Xanthorhoe designata Hufn. Flame Carpet. 11 St. Osyth 10 August 1988 and 24 May 1989 (RWA, BCM). 1735 Catarhoe rubidata D&S Ruddy Carpet. 90 Bradwell 12 July 1987 (AJD). 02 Donyland Woods 1 July 1989 (BG, JY). 1760 Chloroclysta siterata Hufn. Red-green Carpet. 23 Dovercourt 11 September 1989 and 16 September 1990 (PS). The first Essex records since 1969. 1767 Thera firmata Hb Pine Carpet. 70 Chelmsford 7 July 1989 (CP). Possibly the first proven Essex record. 1769 Thera britannica Turn. Spruce Carpet. A species now common at 02 Donylands Woods where it was first recorded in September 1989 (BG, JY). Has also recently occurred at 49 Theydon Bois 1993 (JGG), 70 Little Baddow Heath NR 1990 (GAP), 83 Daws Hall 1990 (IG), 90 Bradwell 1987 and 1989 (AJD), 92 Friday Wood 1989 (BG, JY), 01 Fingringhoe Wick NR 1991 (BG), and 11 St. Osyth 1985 to 1989 (RWA, BCM). 1771 Thera juniperata L. Juniper Carpet. This also appears to be increasing. 49 Theydon Bois two in 1992 (JGG). 50 Ongar 1988 (GW, JB). 69 Ingatestone 1991 (GS). 90 Bradwell two in 1988 (AJD, SFJD). 11 St. Osyth 1992 (RWA). 1793 Euphyia biangulata Haw. Cloaked Carpet. 92 West Bergholt 14 July 1989 (JF). 1796 Epirrita christyi Allen. Pale November Moth. 52 Hatfield Forest 1992, where it occurs in equal numbers with E. Dilutata D&S (DJLA). 1826 Eupithecia trisignaria H.-S. Triple-spotted Pug. 43 Duddenhoe End, larvae common mid-1980's (AME), but seems to have disappeared by the early 1990's. 1841 Eupithecia millefoliata Rossi. Yarrow Pug. 92 Berechurch Dyke August 1985 (JY) and Friday Wood, larvae, autumn 1990 (BG) are the first and second VC19 records. Also reported from 11 St. Osyth on 28 July 1993 (RWA). 1855 Eupithecia phoeniceata Ramb. Cypress Pug. 91 Layer Wood, several 1984 (AJD), 23 Dovercourt 22 August 1989 (PS). 1868 Aplocera efformata Guen. Lesser Treble-bar. 60 Margaretting 14 August 1992 (GS). 1885 Abraxas sylvata Scop. Clouded Magpie. 70 Little Baddow Heath NR 1990 (GAP). 53 Saffron Walden 1989 (AME). 90 Bradwell 1989 (AJD), 1990 (SFJD) and 1993 (AJD). 9