1890 Semiothisa alternaria Hb. Sharp-angled Carpet. Evidence of an increase in numbers along the coastal strip in the north-east with many records received from 1988 to 1992. 1891 Semiothisa signaria Hb. Dusky Peacock, 11 St. Osyth 6 July 1991 (RWA, BCM). Second Essex record. 1894 Semiothisa clathrata L. Latticed Heath. Record numbers reported in 1992 from several coastal sites, such as St. Osyth where up to sixty specimens were trapped overnight on twenty-two occasions (RWA). By 1993 numbers were back to normal levels. 1937a Peribatodes secundaria Esp. Feathered Beauty. 90 Bradwell 7 July 1987 (AJD). New to Essex. Sphingidae 1972 Agrius convolvuli L. Convolvulus Hawk-moth, 1991 proved a fair year for this moth with twenty-two records. 1992 yielded just two, at 11 St. Osyth and 22 Kirby Cross (RWA). 1978 Hyloicus pinastri L. Pine Hawk-moth. 53 Saffron Walden 5 August 1991 and 8 July 1992 (AME). 90 Bradwell 15 June 1992 (AJD) and 5 July 1993 (SFJD). 11 St. Osyth 23 June and 14 July 1992 (RWA). 1983 H emaris fuciformis L. Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth. 12 Harwich 1 October 1990 (PS). Second Essex record since 1957. 1984 Macroglossum stellatarum L. Humming-bird Hawk-moth. 1991 also proved to be good for this species with fifteen records. 1990 yielded ten and 1992 eleven. 1987 Hyles gallii Rott. Bedstraw Hawk-moth. 49 Theydon Bois 25 July 1990 (JGG). 90 Bradwell 30 July 1989 and 29 July 1990 (AJD). 01 West Mersea 25 August 1989, larva on Fuschia (SL per JF). 02 High Woods 29 July 1990 (BG). 12 Harwich 14 July 1990 (PS). 1990 Hyles lineata Fabr. Striped Hawk-moth. 53 Saffron Walden 9 August 1992 (AME). 90 Bradwell 21 May 1992 (SFJD). 1992 Deilephila porcellus L Small Elephant Hawk-moth. 50 Ongar 1988 (GW, JB). 53 Saffron Walden 16 June 1992 (AME). 90 Bradwell 6 July 1989 (AJD). Arctiidae 2038 Nudaria mundana L Muslin Footman. 11 St. Osyth 7 July 1 992 (RWA). 2040 Cybosia mesomella L. Four-dotted Footman. 49 Theydon Bois 3 July 1990 (JGG). 70 Thrift Wood 16 June 1990, the form 'flava' (GAP) and 23 July 1991 (RWA). 90 Bradwell 7 July 1989 (SFJD), 22 Kirby le Soken 25 June 1989 (RM), 10