2148 Polia bombycina Hufn. Pale Shining Brown. 21 Great Holland Pits, some time during the 1980's (MEA). This is the only post-guide record. 2149 Polia hepatica Cl. Silvery Arches. 12 Weeleyhall Wood 22 June 1933 and 22 Walton 22 June 1933 (JNB). Two previously unpublished records. 21 52 Sideridis albicolon Hb. White Colon. 11 Jaywick three in August 1991 (JY), and St. Osyth 4 June 1993 (RWA). 2153 Heliophobus reticulata Goeze Bordered Gothic. 67 Grays 27 June 1987 (DJLA). 69 Ingatestone 1992 (GS). 90 Bradwell 6 and 17 July 1993 (SFJD). 2156 Lacanobia contigua D&S Beautiful Brocade. 70 Chelmsford 16 June 1989 (CP). 90 Bradwell 30 June 1987 (AJD). The first Essex records since c. 1890. 2171 Hadena confusa Hufn. Marbled Coronet. 83 Daws Hall July 1990 (IG per BG). First Essex record since 1974. 2194 Mythimna albipuncta D&S White-point. 90 Bradwell eight in 1989, five in 1990 and ninety in 1992 (AJD, SFJD). During 1992 single specimens were noted at 11 St. Osyth and Colne Point (RWA) at 22 Kirby Cross (RM), and 00 Bradwell (GS). In 1993 fifteen were recorded at Bradwell (AJD, SFJD) and three at St. Osyth (RWA). 2195 Mythimna vitellina Hb. The Delicate. 90 Bradwell four specimens from 1987 to 1989, three in 1990, eight in 1991, fifty-four in 1992 and twenty-nine in 1993 (AJD, SFJD). Smaller numbers recorded at 48 Theydon Bois one in 1993 (JGG), 52 Takeley (GHBS) and Stansted (GG per DJLA) one each in 1992, 53 Saffron Walden one in 1987 and two in 1992 (AME), 11 St. Osyth two in 1991, three in 1992 and one in 1993 (RWA), Kirby le Soken one in 1993 (PB per RWA). 2196 Mythimna pudorina D&S Striped Wainscot. 49 Theydon Bois 14 July 1993 (JGG). 2203 Mythimna unipuncta Haw. White-speck. 90 Bradwell two in 1988, five in 1989, three in 1990, one in 1991 and one in 1993 (AJD, SFJD). 2208 Mythimna loreyi Dup. The Cosmopolitan. 90 Bradwell 26 August 1992 (AJD). New to Essex. 2209 Senta flammea Curt. Flame Wainscot. 90 Bradwell 24 May 1992 (AJD). 11 St. Osyth 24 May 1989 (RWA). 12 Hamford Water 1 June 1978 (JBF) - second recent record from this locality. 2230 Aporophyla australis Boisd. Feathered Brindle. 22 Bramble Island, Hamford Water 27 September 1988 (RWA). 12