2484 Schrankia costaestrigalis Steph. Pinion-streaked Snout. 41 Sawbridgeworth NR 1990 (CWP). 49 Epping Forest 1985 (TWG). 52 Tye Green 1983 (DW). 53 Saffron Walden 1985 (AME). 01 Fingringhoe Wick NR two 1988 (BG, JY). 2491 Herminia tarsicrinalis Knoch Shaded Fan-foot. 11 St. Osyth area 6 and 18 July 1986, and 7 and 11 July 1987. 23 Harwich area 21 July 1990. (Locations and recorders' names withheld.) New to Essex. 2495 Trisateles emortualis D&S Olive Crescent. 90 Bradwell 10 June 1993 (AJD). 11 St. Osyth area 24 and 27 July 1986. (Recorder's names withheld.) There have been additional records to the north. Specimens introduced or released Papilionidae Papilio machaon L. Swallowtail. Several reports of adults and larvae from the extreme north-east of the county during 1991 were later traced to the release of captive stock. Nymphalidae Dryas julia Fabr. The Julia. 02 Colchester mid-July to early August 1989, an adult (with supporting photograph) at rest in a garden (GW). Danaidae Danaus plexippus L. Milkweed. 70 Chelmsford, one seen near a garden centre/butterfly house in 1985 (CP). Grizzled Skipper. Still occurs at several south Essex sites such as Langdon NR, where a small colony persists 15