A REVIEW OF NOTABLE BEES, WASPS AND ANTS RECENTLY RECORDED FROM ESSEX. P. R. Harvey The following report includes recent records made in the county for aculeate hymenoptera that are listed in the Red Data Book (Shirt, 1987) or A Review of the scarce and threatened bees, wasps and ants of Great Britain (Falk, 1991) as well as several records for species that appear particularly rare in the county such as the ant Myrmica lobicornis Nylander. The national status and much of the information on distribution and habitat preferences for the bees and wasps is taken from Falk, 1991 since there seems little knowledge available at a county level. The conservation status of insects and other organisms is published in the British Red Data Books and in a series of reviews of various invertebrate groups produced by the Nature Conservancy Council (now English Nature). The categories quoted in this article are RDB2, RDB3, Notable A and Notable B. A brief summary of these is as follows: RDB2 (Red Data Book, category 2 = Nationally Vulnerable, taxa believed likely to become Endangered in the near future if the causal factors continue operating); RDB3 (Red Data Book, category 3 = Nationally Rare, taxa with small populations that are not at present Endangered or Vulnerable but are at risk, species that are estimated to exist in only fifteen or fewer post 1970 10 Km squares; Nationally Notable A (nationally scarce species estimated to occur within the range of sixteen to thirty post 1970 10 Km squares) and Nationally Notable B (nationally scarce species estimated to occur within the range of thirty-one to one hundred post 1970 10 Km squares). Ants (Family Formicidae) Ray Ruffell has recorded two species of Myrmica ant of interest in North Essex in 1993, M. lobicornis Nylander from Middlewick Ranges, Colchester (TM0023) and M. schencki Emery from a roadside verge at Ardleigh (TM0521). Myrmica lobicornis seems to be very rare in the county, with modern records from only a few sites, all old grassland areas. The other ant M. schencki, although nationally notable has now been found in quite a few localities in South Essex and several recent records from North Essex suggest that it may turn out to be generally widespread but very local in the county. 17