The presence of Myrmica specioides Bondroit in Essex was first confirmed two years ago by Geoff Allen and John Felton from specimens that I collected at Colne Point (TM0913, TM1112) and at Crabknowe Spit (TM2429, TM2327), south of Dovercourt. Specimens that I collected in 1988 from Shoebury Old Ranges (TQ9284) also turned out to be this species and I have since found the ant in quite a few sites on or near the coast in both South and North Essex including Bushy Hill South Woodham Ferrers (TQ8198), Chadwell (TQ6577), The Cliff near Burnham-on-Crouch (TQ9296), Hall Hill at West Tilbury (TQ6577), Fobbing Marshes (TQ7283) and Kersey Marsh at Hadleigh (TQ8085), always where the vegetation is short and usually where there is a proportion of bare ground and a south-facing aspect. Specimens from most of these sites have been examined and confirmed by John Felton. This ant was first recorded from the Sandwich dunes in 1961 and was thought to be restricted to a very few coastal sites in Kent. In recent years it has been found in many more sites in Kent, including some inland ones. It has been suggested that the species is expanding its range but the ant seems to have a very localised habitat requirement and is difficult to identify and easily confused with the common species Myrmica scabrinodis Nylander and M. sabuleti Meinert. I believe that in Essex it is likely to have been previously overlooked. The nationally scarce (Notable A) Lasius brunneus (Latreille) is now recorded in a reasonable number of sites in Essex mostly in the south of the county. It is nearly always associated with large oaks in or at the edge of woodlands or wood pasture. In 1993 I have found the species on oak trunks at the side of a ride and along the edge of Mill Wood (TQ6289) in Thorndon Park South in South Essex and also on an oak trunk in Garnetts Wood (TL6318) and an upturned tree bole at the edge of Sandylay Wood (TL7317) both in North Essex. The ant was also present on pine trunks at Menagerie Plantation (TQ6290) in Thorndon Park South and on oak trunks in Edwinshall Wood (TQ8198) at Bushy Hill in 1992. Ruby-tailed wasps (Family Chrysididae) In June 1993 I found a single specimen of the rare Chrysis gracillima Foerster (conf. J. Felton and G. Else) at an important site near Chadwell in South Essex. Very few specimens of the wasp have been taken in Britain and the species has a national staus of Vulnerable (RDB2). It has 18