previously been found in Kent, West Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire, three specimens being taken in consecutive years on a dead tree near Winchester (George Else, personal communication). The species is a parasitoid of the larvae of other aculeates, possibly of the Sphecid genus Trypoxylon, which is quite frequent at the Chadwell site. It is, like these wasps, a long thin species. The rare (RDB3) Hedychrum niemelai Linsenmaier is a parasitoid of the larvae of the rare (RDB3) solitary wasp Cerceris quinquefasciata and possibly other Cerceris species. Both John Felton and myself recorded the Chrysid and its host at the Chadwell site in 1992 and both species have also turned up in 1993 at an old sand pit at Linford (TQ6680) and at Mill Wood Pit (TQ5978) near "Lakeside" in Thurrock. I took one female of the nationally notable (Notable A) Chrysis schencki Linsenmaier (det. J. Felton) at Grays Chalk Quarry (TQ6079) in late August 1993. The species is apparently scarce with poorly known requirements. It was described as new to science in 1968 and may prove to be under-recorded. Post-1970 information is known for seven widely scattered localities. It is thought to be a parasitoid of the larvae of other aculeates but the host(s) is far from clear (Falk, 1991). Solitary Wasps Family Sapygidae I took a single male of the Club-horned Sapyga Sapyga clavicornis (L.) (Notable B) at Chadwell in 1993. The wasp is a cleptoparasite of megachilid bees of the genera Chelostoma and Osmia, Chelostoma florisomne featuring commonly in British records. It is associated with dead wood in situations fully exposed to the sun (Falk, 1991). The Sapyga was taken inside an old sand pit at the top of the site which has a number of old fence posts exposed to the sun. A large rotten log that was also present has since been vandalised and kicked to pieces. Osmia caerulescens, 0. ventralis and 0. rufa all occur in this same area but Chelostoma has not been recorded at the site. Family Mutillidae The Large Velvet ant Mutilla europaea Linnaeus (Notable B) is a parasitoid of bumble bees Bombus, with occasional reports of attacks on honey bees. There are widely scattered records throughout England 19