1991). One female (conf. John Felton) was taken in July 1993 flying around the wall of an old mill near Sible Hedingham (TL7833). Five females of the scarce (Notable B) Nysson trimaculatus (Rossius) (det. J. Felton) were taken in pitfall traps at Mucking Heath (TQ6580) in 1991. The wasp is a cleptoparasite of two other sphecid wasps Gorytes quadrifasciatus and G. bicinctus (neither of which were recorded). The habitat here of relict heathland and dry grassland together with bramble and scrub (which would provide the host prey of bugs in the families Cicadellidae and Cercopidae) appears to be a suitable situation for these species. I collected the nationally scarce (Notable A) Misumesa unicolor (Van der Linden) (det. J. Felton) at East Tilbury in June 1993. The species has about 10 known post-1970 sites and has been found associated with vegetation such as Juncus and Phragmites around the wet flushes of soft rock cliffs and landslips on the Isle of Wight and around freshwater Phragmites beds in Kent. A nesting colony was found on an east-facing sea wall in W. Sussex (Falk, 1991). At East Tilbury the wasp was either taken at the edge of the silt lagoons or from a sandy section of path and sea wall at the point where the lagoons end and the original Saltmarsh survives. The dykes behind the sea wall contain Phragmites beds. I found the nationally rare (RDB3) Podalonia affinis (Kirby) in numbers at Colne Point (TM0913, TM1012-1112) in 1991, where it occurred on the sandy "dune" near the car park and on at least one of the old sand ridges that cross the Saltmarsh. Nesting occurs in bare sandy substrates, in warm sunny situations. The female locates and paralyses larvae of tussock and soil dwelling noctuid moths such as Agrostis. The wasp is very scarce with its modern strongholds in the Brecks, Suffolk Sandlings and sandy coastal districts of East Anglia (Falk, 1991). The Bee Wolf Philanthus triangulum (Fabricius) (RDB2) appears to have undergone a dramatic increase in the last two-three years. Its regular occurrence was restricted to the Isle of Wight, with other modem records from Hampshire, N. Essex and Suffolk (Falk, 1991). In 1992 it was found in new localities in Essex, Kent, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire with possible sightings in Surrey and in 1993 it continued to be found in new localities including four West Sussex sites and at least five new localities in Surrey with others in Kent. Many records are for the first time in well-known sites such as Horsell Sand Pit in Surrey and some 21