are for aggregations of 100 or more nests. A sand pit near Maidstone in Kent was estimated to contain a minimum total of about 12-15,000 nests! (G. Else pers. comm.). In S. Essex I found the wasp for the first time at Chadwell in July 1992 where it was nesting in some numbers. In 1993 the population was numerous and there must have been hundreds of nesting females in different parts of the site. In early July 1993 I also found a large number at a sand pit at Linford, and in August several were found nesting in a sandy path at a hillside at Fobbing (TQ7183) with others hunting amongst herbage and scrub nearby. I found a single female hunting at Mucking Heath and one late female in early September at Mill Wood House Pit where the presence of favourable habitat conditions suggests that a large population may in fact occur. In 1992 Roger Payne found the wasp to be present at Shoebury Old Ranges (TQ9284) and in 1993 also at East Shoebury Beach. It will be interesting to follow the future progress of this remarkable increase in the Bee wolf in Britain. Social wasps (Family Vespidae) Dolichovespula media (Retzuis) is a recent addition to the British list which is also clearly increasing in frequency. The first British record was from E. Sussex in 1980 but since then it has spread westwards and northwards. The first Essex record was in 1990 and it is still spreading (R. Payne, 1992). It has been recorded from north-west, north-east and south-east Essex and this year I know of records from Braintree and also from Strethall (S. & C. Watson, 1993). The Hornet Vespa crabro had apparently declined in the county and was considered a rare insect but in recent years it has been recorded again in many parts of the county. This increase in frequency has been noted by members of the Field Club in correspondence and notes reported in the Newsletters of the Club. Mining bees Family Colletidae The nationally scarce (Notable A) bee Colletes halophilus Verhoeff is a specialist of the upper margins of saltmarshes where it requires bare or sparsely vegetated soil. The bee is active very late in the year from 22