where I could find Red Bartsia in bloom in any quantity produced more sites at The Cliff near Burnham-on-Crouch, Woodham Fenn at South Woodham Ferrers, the scarp at Benfleet and Hadleigh Downs, Wat Tyler Country Park (TQ7386) at Pitsea, Mill Wood Pit near Lakeside in Thurrock and the meadows opposite Marks Hill Reserve (TQ6887) at Basildon. Megachilid bees (Family Megachilidae) One female Stelis punctulatissima (Kirby) (det. J. Felton) was taken at Field Scabious at Glemsford at the end of July 1992. This bee is a cleptoparasite of the Wool carder bee Anthidium manicatum and possibly also of Osmia leaiana and 0. aurulenta. It is widespread but very local (Notable B) and has probably declined, with only about 20 post-1970 sites known (Falk, 1991). Flower bees (Family Anthophoridae) The Four-spotted Flower bee Anthophora quadrimaculata (Panzeri (Notable B) is principally a bee of gardens and suburban waste ground. It is very local but is sometimes common in gardens. There is post- 1970 information for only about 30 sites (Falk, 1991). It has a •preference for labiates and both this species and A. bimaculata were taken flying around Black Horehound at Chadwell and at Lavender in my garden at Grays. Nomad bees (Family Anthophoridae) The very local (Notable B) Nomada flavopicta (Kirby) is a cleptoparasite of mining bees in the genus Melitta. I collected one female at Grays Chalk Quarry in August 1993, where Melitta tricincta was numerous flying around Red Bartsia by the sides of the path that runs along the top eastern and northern edges of the quarry. I collected one female at Old Church Hill, Langdon Hills (TQ6786) and several females at the end of August and early September at Mill Wood House Pit where Melitta tricincta was again present. I had previously identified another specimen from this site taken in 1986 by Colin W. Plant. Nomada furcata Panzer is a cleptoparasite of the widespread but local mining bee Andrena flavipes. Even at its established sites there can be considerable fluctuations in its frequency and the species (Notable A and about 30 post-1970 sites in Falk,1991) seems to have undergone a 28