interesting question remains whether it is actually spreading or whether it has remained undetected all along. Like many species the spider is easily overlooked if it is not specifically looked for or it not the right time of year. Ray has continued to find individuals of the strange eight-eyed Oonopid spider. The spider is new to Britain but has otherwise so far eluded being given a name by the experts. Most spiders have eight eyes but Oonopid spiders normally have only six. These new spiders have two extra anterior median eyes but several of the specimens Ray has found this year have these much less distinct or even absent. There is ari interesting paper by de Dalmas on the Oonopid spiders of the genus Orchestina. A number of species in this genus have been found with eight eyes and in some cases individuals within the same species and from the same locality and environment vary between six-eyed and eight-eyed forms. Unfortunately males of this Essex spider have so far eluded capture. Male spiders usually have complex palps which are used in reproduction and their structure is important in their taxonomy and identification. A male might help place this new spider more easily even though the males of Oonopid spiders have simple palps compared to those of most other families. Nomenclature follows Merrett, Locket & Millidge (1985) with amendments listed in Merrett & Millidge (1992), with the exception of Philodromus longipalpis Simon, 1870 redescribed by Segers (1992). References Cooke, J. A. L. (1962) A Preliminary Account of the Spiders of the Flatford Mill Region. Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists' Society Vol. XII, Part III, p.155-176. de Dalmas, Comte. (1916) Revision du Genre Orchestina E.S. (Arachn. Oonopidae).Ann. Soc. ent. France 85 p.203-258. Hull, J. E. (1935) Some Essex Spiders. Essex Naturalist Vol. XXIV p.209-214. Hull, J. E. (1947-51) The Spiders of Essex, Recent Additional Records. Essex Naturalist Vol. XXVII p.58-64. Merrett, Locket & Millidge (1985) A check list of British spiders. Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. 6 (9), 381-403. Merrett & Millidge (1992) Amendments to the check list of British spiders. Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. 9 (1), 4-9. Pickard-Cambridge, 0. (1883-86) A Contribution towards the Knowledge of the Arachnida of Epping Forest. Transactions of the Essex Field Club. Vol. IV p.41-49. 37