Pickard-Cambridge, F. 0. (1899-1900) Further Contributions towards the Knowledge of the Arachnida of Epping Forest. Essex Naturalist Vol. XI p.315-318. Segers, H. (1992) Nomenclatural notes on, and redescriptions of some little-known species of the Philodromus aureolus group (Araneae: Philodromidae). Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. 9 (1), 19-25. Smith, Frank P. (1901-2) Notes: Arachnida, Epping Forest Spiders. Essex Naturalist Vol. XII p.70. Smith, Frank P. (1901-2) The Spiders of Epping Forest, part 1. Essex Naturalist Vol. XII p. 181-201. Smith, Frank P. (1903-4) The Spiders of Epping Forest, part 2. Essex Naturalist Vol. XIII p.49-60. Smith, Frank P. (1903-4) The Spiders of Epping Forest, part 3. Essex Naturalist Vol. XIII p.209-218. Smith, Frank P. (1903-4) Notes on the Spiders observed at the meeting in Epping Forest, July 26th, 1902. Essex Naturalist Vol. XIII p.22-23. Number of species recorded in each 10 Km square (Dec. 1993) 38