which will be completed when the opportunity arises. Russula nitida - Sandon Agrocybe semiorbicularis - Little Baddow Boletus erthropus - Galleywood Hygrocybe subglobispora -Willingale (An uncommon waxcap) Suillus aeruginascens - Terling (An uncommom bolete found under larch) Macrolepiota rhacodes var rhacodes - Great Leighs I intend to continue and widen this survey and in a future Essex Naturalist I hope to produce a more detailed account of the fungi in individual churchyards. Summary Twenty nine churchyards were sampled over a period of two months in autumn 1993 in the Chelmsford area. Fifty seven species were identified including some rarities. Thirty two churchyards were recorded over one month in winter 1993/94 and fourteen species were recorded including eight which had not been observed in the autumn. Twenty one churchyards were visited during three months in spring 1994 and twenty four species were recorded including twenty which had not been seen earlier. Possible reasons for the greater frequency of species in the east of the area compare to the west were discussed. The need for a long term survey over a wider area was proposed. Special sites requiring conservation measures were suggested. 43