References 1. British Fungus Flora : Introduction, D.M. Henderson, P.D. Orton and R. Watling. Her Majesties Stationery Office 1969 2. British Fungus Flora : Volume 1 R. Watling Her Majesties Stationery Office 1970 3. British Fungus Flora : Volume 2 P.D. Orton and R. Watling Her Majesties Stationery Office 1979 4. British Fungus Flora : Volume 5 R. Watling and N.M. Gregory Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh 1987 5. British Fungus Flora : Volume 7 R. Watling and N.M. Gregory and P.D. Orton Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 1993 6. Fungi of Switzerland Volume 3 Part 1 J. Breitenbach and F. Kranzlin Mykologia Luzern 1991 7. Keys to Agarics and Boleti M. moser Phillips 1983 8. Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain and North-Western Europe M. Bon Hodder and Stoughton 1987 9. Fungi of Britian and Europe S. Buczacki Collins 1989 10. Mushrooms and Other Fungi of Great Britain and Europe R.Phillips Book Club Associates 1981 11. Fungi Europaei : Agaricus A. Cappelli 1984 12. Common British Fungi E.M. Wakefield and R.W.G. Dennis Saiga 1981 13. Keys to British Mycena Species E.E. Emmett The Mycologist Volume 6 Parts 2,3,4, and Volume 7 Parts 1,2, 14. Mushrooms and Other Fungi M Svrcek Hamlyn 1983 47