2 The Essex Naturalist No less than forty field meetings were organised for members during the year and on the whole these were well attended. Twelve of these particularly catered tor botanical interests, and of the remainder nine concerned birds, seven concerned mammals, three were of a geological nature, and nine were of more general interest. Three of the field meetings were held in association with other organisations - one with the Colchester Natural History Society concentrating on birds and invertebrates and two with the Essex Rock and Mineral Society to study chalk strata at Folkestone and to examine fossils at Walton-on-the-Naze. During the year the Club has established an Essex Mycology Group, with Geoffrey Kibby as the Recorder and Tony Boniface as Secretary. The aim of the group is to produce an authenticated checklist of the fungi of the county of Essex which it is intended to publish in our journal the Essex Naturalist. It is estimated that completion of the project may be achieved in five years. The Club has reproduced some of the prints from past volumes of the Essex Naturalist as notelets. These have been combined in packs of two each of five designs by Tony Boniface and they are being sold at £1 per pack; sales are progressing steadily. The Newsletter has continued publication during the year with three issues appearing, ably edited by Peter Harvey. This medium is seen as an effective means of communication and members are encouraged to contribute notes to it. Volume 12 in the new series of the Essex Naturalist was published by the Club during the year; this was edited by Mark Hanson. Volume 13 is in preparation at the moment and is being edited by Peter Harvey and Colin Plant together. However, it is noted that Peter and Colin have agreed to edit this volume on the strict understanding that they are unable to continue in the task. We therefore have a pressing need for a new, preferably permanent, editor to take over more or less immediately. Finally, we have awarded Honorary Membership to Lt. Col. Maitland Emmet under current Rule 13 of the Club. This rule states that Honorary Members shall be "persons of eminence in natural history, geology or archaeology, or those who have rendered special service to the Club. They shall be appointed by the Council and no subscription shall be required of them." I am sure that members present will agree that Col. Emmet more than merits this status.