The Essex Naturalist 3 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB Income and Expenditure Account Year ended 31st December 1995 1995 1994 Income £ £ Subscriptions 1994 33.50 1415.30 Subscriptions 1995 1426.75 Publications 713.04 211.31 Interest 155.44 119.89 Refreshments 20.30 7.88 Donations 22.50 Sale of notelets 10.00 2359.03 1776.88 Expenditure Essex Naturalist 511.57 Programme cards 142.18 136.30 Bank charges 5.00 Newsletter 89.10 Postage & telephone 325.81 155.58 Hire of halls 145.10 179.00 Donations & subscriptions 24.00 24.00 Stationery 117.36 79.09 Publications sales costs 103.39 Vapona 6.58 Silica gel 153.22 Insurance 133.25 130.00 Notelets 129.91 1629.86 960.58 Surplus for year 729.17 816.30 Museum Fund Year ended 31st December 1995 Income Donations 350.00 350.00 Surplus for year 350.00