4 The Essex Naturalist THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB Balance sheet as at 31st December 1995 1995 1994 Current assets £ £ Instant savings account 6063.22 5407.78 Current account 692.80 206.73 Cash 1.00 1.00 ____________________________________________6757.02 5615.51 Current liabilities Creditors 83.28 20.94 83.28 20.94 Net assets 6673.74 5594.57 Financed by Capital Funds General Fund 6323.74 5594.57 Museum Fund 350.00 ___________________________________________6673.74 5594.57 H J Bath, Treasurer K J Adams, President Auditor's report for 1995 The accounts of the Essex Field Club have been prepared using the historic cost convention. In my opinion, the accounts show a true and fair view of the Club's affairs at 31st December 1995 and of the result for the year ended on that date. A R Snelling Hon. Auditor 8th March 1996