The Essex Naturalist 11 Reports from the Club's Recorders The following are the un-refereed reports of the Essex Field Club's Recorders. It will be observed that there is considerable lack of uniformity in these contributions to the journal and this requires explanation. The Essex Naturalist ceased publication as a paper-carrying journal in 1976. The new series of the journal, produced from 1977 to 1995, was a series of monographic publications and this provided no place for annual reports from Recorders. With this volume, however, the monograph series ceases but so many years have elapsed without Recorders' Reports that uniformity in their presentation was a virtual impossibility; it has been an editorial decision that this should be the case. It is hoped that future issues of this journal will carry rather more standardised annual reports from all of the Club's Recorders. Some algae from Hatfield Forest new to the Essex records J H Belcher and E M F Swale 23 Pepys Way, Girton. Cambridge CB3 OPA Water samples collected from the lakes of Hatfield Forest (grid reference TL540198) on 17th October 1995 contained many species of planktonic algae. These are listed below, of which only a minority appeared in previous records for Essex, namely Cooke's from Snaresbrook (1893), Scourfield's from Epping Forest (1944) and those of Swale & Belcher from the River Lee (1962), here abbreviated to (C), (Sc) and (S & B). A few more records from these lakes from collections we made in 1979 have also been added. The numerous species of diatoms are not listed. Chlorophyceae, Volvocales (nomenclature follows HuberPestalozzi 1961) Lobomonas rostrata Hazen (S & B 1962) Phacotus lenticularis (Ehr.) Stein Chlorophyceae, Chlorococcales (nomenclature follows Komarek & Fott 1983) [Ankistrodesmus acicularis] - see Monoraphidium komarkovae [A. angustus] - see Monoraphidium contortum A. gracilis (Reinsch) Korsh. [A. rotundus] - see Kirchneriella rotunda Chodatella ciliata (Lagerh.) Lemm. (coll. S & B 1979) Coelastrum microporum Naeg. (S & B 1962) C. pseudomicroporum Korsh. Crucigeniella apiculata (Lemm.) Korn. Crucigenia tetrapedia (Kirchn.) W. & G. S. West (Sc.1944) Dicellula planktonica Svir. Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides (Naum.) Korn. & Perm. D. ehrenbergianum Naeg. D. pulchellum Wood (S & B 1944) Kirchneriella lunaris (Kirchn.) Moeb. (coll. S & B 1979) K. rotunda (Korsh.) Hindak Lagerheima genevensis (Chod.) Chod. Monoraphidium contortum (Thur.) Kom.Legn. (S & B 1962) M. komarkovae Nyg. Nephrochlamys subsolitaria (G. S. West) Korsh. Oocystis marssonii Lemm. Pediastrum biradiatum Meyen P. boryanum (Turp.) Meyen P. duplex Meyen (coll. S & B 1979) P. simplex Meyen var. sturmii (Reinsch) Wolle