16 The Essex Naturalist Whilst Essex may only share the glory with Surrey for the discovery of this species, it can however, lay sole claim to fame over the startling discovery of a large, green lacewing new to Britain. Nineta inpunctata Reuter is one of our largest green lacewings. It is only known from the Western Palaearctic region and then from only 15 sites in all, of which one, Eastend Wood near Elsenham, is in Essex. A single female example was taken there at a mercury vapour light moth trap hy myself on 26th June 1989 (Plant 1996). It had remained unlabelled in my collection until recently when I needed to re-examine some material rather more critically for the new identification keys I was preparing for the Field Studies Council. Apart from these two rather spectacular discoveries, however, recording of the Essex lacewing fauna is progressing rather more slowly and steadily. The overall county list contains 50 species, of which 46 have been recorded since 1979. Thus, Essex ranks fifth on the British Isles county list for number of species (Plant 1994), though this may be due in no small part to the fact that most other areas of the country are very poorly recorded. The recorded Essex species are as follows. Species flagged "**" have not been recorded in the county in recent years: MEGALOPTERA SIALIDAE Sialis lutaria RAPHIDIOPTERA RAPHIDIIDAE Phaeostigma notata Subilla confinis Xanthostigma xanthostigma NEUROPTERA CONIOPTERYGIDAE Coniopteryx borealis C. esbenpeterseni C. tineiformis Conwentzia pineticola Conwentzia psociformis Semidalis aleyrodiformis S. pseudouncinata SISYRIDAE Sisyra fuscata OSMYLIDAE Osmylus fulvicephalus HEMEROBIIDAE Hemerobius atrifrons ** H. humulinus H. lutescens H. micans H. nitidulus H. pini H. stigma Micromus angulatus M. paganus M. variegatus Psectra diptera Sympherobius elegans S. pellucidus S. pygmaeus Wesmaelius concinnus W. nervosus (= betulinus) W. quadrifascuitus ** W. subnebulosus CHRYSOPIDAE Chrysopa commata C. dorsalis ** C. pallens (= septempunctata) C. phyllochroma ** Chrysoperla carnea Chrysopidia ciliata Cunctochrysa albolineata Cunctochrysa bellifontensis Dichochrysa flavifrons D. prasina D. ventralis Nineta flava N. inpunctata N. vittata Nothochrysa capitata