The Essex Naturalist 19 Colin Plant's Six-belted Clearwings from Dolphin Quarry Purfleet and Mill Wood Pit, Grays, during July are most welcome. This appears to be a scarce insect in Essex and one easily overlooked. Sweeping a net through bird's-foot trefoil is one method of finding it. Two nationally rare moths resident in Essex have again turned up in a northern wood. These are The Triangle Heterogenea asella and the Olive Crescent Tristateles emortualis, both at light on 29th July. New and interesting Essex gall records J P Bowdrey 12 Sparrows Corner, Harwich Road. Great Oakley, Essex CO12 5AA Hymenoptera: Cynipidae Cynipid galls were not much in evidence until April when a visit to Michaelstowe Hall, Ramsey added Andricus albopunctatus, A. quadrilineatus and Neuroterus aprilinus to the records for TM23. In the same month A. inflator and A. quadrilineatus were discovered at Marks Hall Arboretum, new to TL82. On a small, roadside oak at Little Bentley (TM 1025) male catkins bore galls of what appeared to be A. callidoma, a scarce species which, according to the literature, frequents the tops of mature oaks. Wasps had already emerged from most of the galls; one adult was obtained to enable the determination to be confirmed. The galls of A. callidoma bear white, cotton-wool like outgrowths but never attain the size of the eye-catching galls of A. quercusramuli, which were also present on the same tree. In August a few galls of Aulacidea follioti were found on Sonchus asper growing amongst concrete slabs on the sea wall at Beaumont-cum-Moze (TM2024). This is the third Essex locality for the species which was added to the British list in 1994 when adults were reared from material collected at Langenhoe ranges near Colchester in 1993 (Bowdrey 1994). The species seems to favour coastal habitats and the large, irregular swellings induced by the larvae are quite noticeable. Galls of both generations of Neuroterus tricolor, the scarcest of the spangle galls, were again present in good numbers at Great Oakley (TM1827). There are only two recent records of this species for Essex. At Soils Wood, Great Oakley (TM2028), in November, a single gall of A. nudus was located on an oak bud. It is hoped to rear the adult to confirm the identification. A gall was found at the same site in 1989 but was not reared. These are apparently the only Essex records. Coleoptera: Curculionidae Galls of the nationally notable weevil Gymnetron villosulum were found on an aquatic Veronica in a ditch at Rushey Mead reserve (TL4919) in July, bringing the total of recent Essex records to five.